Abstract  With rapid development of global economy and information technology, economy has been being cultural and culture has been being economic, which is the present major trend。 What’s more, culture trade generally becomes an important part of world trade。 Therefore, culture exchange between different countries is inevitable。 As cultural exchange increases between China and  other countries, we tend to pay more attention to English film and TV subtitle translation。 More and more people in China show their interest in watching English films and dramas nowadays。 However, different countries has different languages and customs, so cultural differences are unavoidable。 It’s undeniable that it is hard for a lot of people to understand the words without translation in the films and dramas。 Therefore, the translators have to make a lot of efforts to translate the subtitles by means of linguistic features and some requirements of subtitle translation so that the audience can comprehend the meanings and plots in films。 It’s so hard to overcome but they achieve it。 This paper aims to probe into the linguistic features and main requirements of English film and TV subtitle translation, with a case study of The Big Bang Theory。92348

Key words: linguistic features; translation requirements; The Big Bang Theory

摘要 随着经济全球化和信息技术的高速发展,经济文化化,文化经济化已是当代世界经济的主要态势。文化贸易渐渐成为世界贸易的重要组成部分。所以,世界各国的文化交流是无法避免的。随着中国与其他国家文化交流的加深,我们应该更加重视英语影视剧的翻译字幕。最近越来越多的人对观看英语影视剧产生了兴趣。然而,不同的国家就有不同的语言和习俗,文化差异就必然存在。不可否认,没有字幕许多人根本无法理解英语影视剧中的意思。所以,为了能让观众更好的理解剧中的语言以及情节,翻译人员付出了很多努力,运用字幕翻译的语言特点以及翻译技巧进行翻译。虽然很难克服但是他们做到了。本文探究英语影视剧字幕的语言特点,并结合《生活大爆炸》探讨影视剧字幕的翻译策略。



1。 Introduction1

2。 Literature Review。1

3。 The Linguistic Features 2

3。1 Popularity of languages 2

3。2 Instantaneousness of subtitles 4

3。3 Limitation of time and space 5

4。 Main Translation Requirements 6

4。1 Conciseness and understandability。 6

4。2 Faithfulness to the original content and style。7

4。3 Cultural difference 8

4。4 Creative translation 9

5。 Conclusion 9

Works Cited 11

1。 Introduction 来自优O尔P论R文T网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520`18766

     With the rapid development of modern economy and globalization, more and more foreign films and television dramas begin to enter the domestic film and television market, especially the British and American movies。 The aim of English film and TV subtitle translation is to make Chinese audience enjoy foreign films and dramas better。 The audience will learn the differences between eastern and western culture, ways of thinking and lifestyle。 In the process of Chinese people's cultural education, English teaching has also been popular, which provides support for the spread of English film and television drama in China。 However, when we appreciate English films and TV dramas not everyone can grasp the plot according to the original films and dramas。 Chinese subtitle has provided a guarantee for the people to deeply learn the information in the English film and television dramas 。 Therefore, study on linguistic features and main requirements of English film and TV subtitle translation is of great significance to promote the spread of English films and television dramas and enhance cultural exchange。 The Big Bang Theory is another popular sitcom in Europe and the U。S after Friends, which has won several Emmy nominations and numerous awards。 The translation of The Big Bang Theory is concise, clear and humorous。 The use of popular vocabulary makes more young people watch it。 Therefore, The Big Bang Theory soon becomes very popular among young people in China。 This paper discusses the linguistic characteristics of film and TV subtitle translation, and puts forward Screen translation should follow the principle of simplicity, easy to understand and analyze the requirements of the translation。

















