Abstract Family education is one of the earliest and most important forms of education。 It is the foundation of school education and social education, and it also plays a vital role in the formation of children’s thinking mode and their world view, which accounts for the most important part of children’s growth。 Since the differences between China and America in historical background and ideas of education, the ways of family education are different as well。 The film Boyhood is a classic film which mirrors the differences of family education between China and America by presenting the life of a boy whose name is Mason from 6 to 18 with changes in all aspects as well as his parents changing accordingly。 This paper attempts to show some different values and methods of family education between China and America reflected in the film, and analyze the causes and the results of these differences in the two countries in order to find out the best way of family education to promote the healthy growth of children。92581

Keywords: family education; differences; Boyhood     

摘要 家庭教育是所有教育中最早也是最重要的一种教育形式,是学校教育和社会教育的基础,它对儿童的思维模式和世界观的形成甚至于成长也起着重要的作用。由于中美两国历史背景和家庭教育理念存在差异,导致两国家庭教育方式也不同。电影《少年时代》通过讲述一个名叫梅森男孩从6岁到18岁的成长历程及其父母的各方面变化,充分折射出中美家庭教育的差异。本文旨在揭示中美家庭教育的不同理念及方式,并分析两国造成此差异的成因以及不同的结果,从而找到最佳家庭教育方式以促进孩子健康成长。 



1。 Introduction1

2。 Literature Review。。1

3。 Differences between China and America in family education in Boyhood。。2

3。1 Different attitudes to family education。。。2

3。2 Different modes of family education。。。。。。。。。。。。。。3

3。3 Different results of Chinese and American family education。8

4。 Reasons for differences in family education between China and


4。1 Different backgrounds。。。11

4。2 Different traditional cultures。。。。。12

4。3 Different social and economic conditions。13

4。4 Different thinking styles。。。13

5。 Conclusion。。14

Works Cited。。。17

1。 Introduction 源F于K优B尔C论V文N网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ752^018766

Family education is the basis of school education and social education, it also has a significant impact on cultivating children’s good habits and developing physical and psychological health of children。 The film Boyhood describes a mother porcing with four men, and moving from house to house with her children whose father always visits and listens to their growing pains and worries。 This film mainly presents the life of a boy from 6 to 18 with changes in all aspects of his parents, and family education affects every stage of his growth in both physiology and psychology, which reflects different concepts of family education between China and America。 This thesis mainly conclude from the comparative analysis of family education between China and America, which makes people to understand family education thoroughly so as to promote the development of family education of the two countries。         

This thesis is organized in five chapters。 The first chapter briefly introduces the content and the significance of the study。 The second chapter lists all the differences of Chinese and American family education reflected in the film; The third chapter explains reasons of these differences; And the fourth chapter analyzes different results of Chinese and American family education; The last chapter is to summarize the enlightenment from the differences of family education between China and America。 

















