2。 Literature Review

Most researchers at home and abroad have studied the meanings of the Silk Road。 Due to the Silk Road and the Belt and Road Initiative are hot topics in recent years, many researchers pay attentions to this project and put forward their own opinions。

Through extensive collection of information and analysis of the classification of their studies, it was found that many of their studies had been placed on the significance and role of the Silk Road, with a slight impact on its effects, and not many detailed descriptions。 This thesis is mainly to summarize the predecessors ' research and to analyze and depict its influence as the main research direction。

3。 The Belt and Road Initiative论文网

In fact, the Silk Road is a trans-Eurasian trade route in history and promotes friendly exchanges between Eurasia and China。 China is the hometown of silk, and the goods exported by China are the silk which is the most representative in trade through this route。 

In the second half of the 19th century, the German geographer Richthofen first put forward the "Silk Road" as the name of the overland traffic route, since then, the Chinese and foreign historians agree that it has been used。 Although the Silk Road is the product of promoting economic and developing trade along the lines of countries, many people think that China's Zhang Qian twice went through the western regions, opening up a new era of Sino-foreign exchanges, and even succeeded in the east and west in the final bead curtain lifted。 Henceforth, this route has been stepped out as "national Road", the messenger of the countries, businessmen along the Zhang Qian opened the path, and the stream。 Up to the princes and nobles, down to the beggar prisoners, all left their footprints on the road。 The central Plains, the western regions, Arabia, and the Persian Gulf close tie together through this passage。 After centuries of continuous efforts, the Silk Road stretches westward to the Mediterranean。 The eastern segment of the generalized Silk Road has reached South Korea, Japan, and west to France and Holland。 By sea, Italy, Egypt, Asia, Europe, and African countries, have formed a friendship of economic and cultural exchanges。 

3。1 The history of the Silk Road

The Silk Road usually refers to the trade routes in northern Eurasia which contrasts with the southern tea-horse trail。 Han Dynasty Zhang Qian pioneered the Silk Road which was called "The journey of the Empty" and Ban Chao of the Eastern Han Dynasty operated in the western regions which was again the extension of the Silk Road。In the later of the Western Han Dynasty, the Silk Road interrupted by the Hun's harassment。

Ad 73, the Eastern Han Dynasty Ban Chao again to get through the western regions which had 58 years not been used, and the route for the first time extended to Europe。 The Roman Empire also first came to Luoyang along the Silk Road at the time of the Eastern Han Dynasty。 This was not only the first exchange of Europe and China, but also the complete route of the Silk Road in the early 21st century。 China's silk was the most representative of the goods in which it was traded through the long road, hence getting its name。 The Silk Road was not only an ancient Asian and European trade avenue, but also promoted friendly exchanges between Asian and European cultures, and the friendship between East and West countries。 Some famous figures in history, such as Zhang Qian, Ban Chao, Xuan Zang of seeking Law of Buddhism and the Buddhist scriptures from the east of the West, some of their stories were related to this road。

Since the Zhang Qian went through the western regions, China and Central Asia and Europe had increased business dealings rapidly。 Through this road throughout Asia and Europe, China's silk, satin, and other silk products, continuously transported to Central Asia and Europe, therefore, Greece and the Romans called China as the Sinae country。 The so-called "tournament" is the meaning of "silk"。




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