The Silk Road, broadly speaking, was the general name of the east and west traffic routes from East Asia to Central Asia, Western Asia, Europe and North Africa in the ancient times。 The Silk Road has great significance in the history of the world。 This is a transport artery in the Eurasian continent, which is a bridge of China, India, and Greece the three major cultures(Yang Ancient 65)。

3。2 The development of the Silk Road 文献综述

With the development of the world, the definition of the Silk Road need to be redefined, which we called new Silk Road。The new Silk Road is the development of the old one。

3。2。1The routes of the development

The silk road can be pided into three sections, and each section can be pided into North and south of the three lines。

The early North Line was from Chang'an (stretched from the east to Luoyang in the Eastern Han Dynasty), along the Weihe River to Guo County (today Baoji), Zhuzeng County (today Longxi), climbing over the six winding mountain Guyuan and Haiyuan, going the Zu Lihe and in Jingyuan crossing the Yellow River to the Gu Zang (this wuwei), a short distance but poor supply conditions along the way。 Modern Asia-Europe Continental Bridge North Channel, also known as the "Siberian Continental Bridge", the length of it is 11932 kilometers that the main is Siberian railways and the east is from the Russian Vlapostok port (Vlapostok Port), through Stanley, Yekaterinburg and Moscow, Minsk, Poland, Warsaw and Poznan, Germany, Berlin and Hanover, arriving in the Netherlands of Rotterdam。




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