    Abstract Although film just has 100 years history, it has already become the irreplaceable part of cultural industry in western developed countries. As the special kind of commodity, the film industry has enormous economic value. The Avengers is an adaptation of the best-selling comic books with the same name. Since 2008, Marvel Studios has started to build the Marvel Cinematic Universe (can be abbreviated to MCU), which means that the Marvel Studios translates the characters from the Marvel Comics to the big screen.
    This thesis will use The Avengers, the Hollywood film marketing model, as a case, from the point of brand marketing, to find out the factors of box office success in this film. The basic theory of this thesis is Integrated Marketing Communication theory. After profoundly analyzing the film The Avengers, this thesis will attempt to come up with the approaches to Chinese series films with the reference of the marketing practice of The Avengers, by combining with the present situation of Chinese series films.
    Key Words: The Avengers     box office     Integrated Marketing Communication theory     brand marketing
    摘  要虽然电影才有100多年的历史,它已成为西方发达国家文化产业中不可替代的一部分。电影业作为一种特殊的商品,具有巨大的经济价值。电影《复仇者》是根据同名畅销漫画书改编而成的。自2008年以来,漫威漫画工作室开始打造漫威电影宇宙(可简称为MCU),这意着漫威工作室开始将漫威漫画中的人物搬上大银幕。
    关键词:《复仇者联盟》     票房     整合营销理论     品牌营销
    Chapter One Background information and research significance    1
    1.1 Background information    1
    1.2 Research contents    2
    1.3 Research methods    3
    1.4 Research significance    3
    Chapter Two Literature review    5
    2.1 Research status quo    5
    2.2 Integrated Marketing Communication theory    7
    Chapter Three The Integrated Marketing Communication of the film The Avengers    11
    3.1 The “High Concept” marketing strategy in brand marketing    12
    3.2 The sequel film marketing strategy in brand marketing    13
    Chapter Four Suggestion on the Chinese films    16
    4.1 The “High Concept” marketing strategy on Chinese films    16
    4.2 The sequel film marketing strategy on Chinese films    17
    Chapter Five Conclusion    19
    References    21
    Analysis of Brand Marketing in the Film The Avengers from the Point of Integrated Marketing Communication Theory
    Chapter One  Background information and research significance
    1.1 Background information
    Although film just has 100 years history, it has already become the irreplaceable part of cultural industry in western developed countries. As the special kind of commodity, the film industry has enormous economic value. In recent years, with the development of economy, people have been increasing demand on cultural products. It means that box office still has a wide development space in China. By 2014, the number of cinemas in Chinese Mainland is up to 2803. There are 4225 screens going up in one year, with year-on-year growth of 9.8 percent. The total number of film screens has reached to 22420. Compared with the data of the same period in 2013, it increases by 31.88 percent. Meanwhile, the number of box office is continually growing up in Chinese mainland market. There are 388 films released in 2014 and the total box office is 29.629 billion yuan. By the end of 2014, seven films have achieved more than one-billion-yuan total box office. However, Although the Chinese Mainland market is so booming that it seems easy for a film’ s box office to be more than one hundred million yuan, many Chinese films are still at a loss. As a film investment company, a blockbuster will cost it one hundred million yuan. But after being released at the cinema, it’s unknown whether it can recover the cost. Ultimately, the reason is that the publishers of these films do not attach great importance to film marketing.
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