Therefore, people call for cooperative learning。 Cooperative learning has a positive effect on students’ cognitive development and motivations。 It has a visible effect on promoting students’ intellectual and non-intellectual factors。 Practice has proved that cooperative learning is better than learning alone, for it can achieve higher performance and efficiency。 

The first part is an introduction, which gives background of the research and the situation of students’ cooperative learning ability。 It also gives a short description the significance of the research。 In the end, it provides the layout the paper。 The second part reviews the current research situation of cooperative learning ability in China and abroad。 Based on constructivism theory, it talks about cooperative learning。 The third part starts with the definition of cooperative learning。 It is followed by the characters of cooperative learning。 Then, problems in cooperative learning is discussed。 It also introduces the factors influencing students’ cooperative learning ability。 The fourth part is the core of this thesis which deals with the whole procedures of the cooperative learning ability。 Based on the characters、problems and factors of cooperative learning, the author selects a mode of cooperative learning——STAD。 Through analyzing the implementation process of STAD, the author puts forward some enlightenment to English teaching。 The last part offers the findings from the research。 The implications and limitations of the study are also covered。

2。 Literature Review

Although the development history of cooperative learning is only a short span of 30 years, the application of cooperative learning has spread throughout the United States, Russia, Canada, Israel, Germany, Britain, France, Australia and other dozens of countries, used in primary and secondary school teaching。 Although there are great achievements in the study of cooperative learning abroad, there are still some shortcomings, such as: cooperative learning conditions are not clearly defined; the lack of systematic evaluation of cooperative learning。文献综述

At present, there are more than ten teaching experimental points carrying on cooperative learning, and there are a series of literatures to introduce and comment on cooperative learning, which provides meaningful guidance and new ways for the reform of teaching organization form in China。 As far as China’s cooperative learning is concerned, there are still few phenomena: In form, there are too many theoretical discussions and method introductions, but empirical research is less; In terms of content, there are many researches on students’ cognitive development, but research of cooperative consciousness and cooperation skills, emotional experience is less; In the process, there are many overall effect reports, but specific variables research is less; In the section, the compulsory education section (mainly primary school) research is much, high school segment system research is rarely。

American linguist Krashen in the early 80s of last century put forward the famous theory of second language acquisition - "monitoring theory"。 Krashen believes that the human brain has two independent language systems, one is the conscious monitoring system, one is the subconscious system。 And both systems can be activated when the language is used。 It suggests that teachers should take into account the intrinsic cognitive process and external input process of second language acquisition。 Therefore, language teaching should pay attention to meaningful communication, respect and value learners, take learning as a form of self-realization。 In the decision-making process,people should give  learners a certain power, so that teachers can stand in the position of promoters, and maintain a good classroom atmosphere, while not ignoring the collaborative role of other learners(Hua 43)。 The role of teachers is not directly imparting knowledge to the students, but helping students to actively build the meaning of knowledge。 At the same time, teachers should also guide students and teach them。

















