Abstract The Russian American writer Vladimir Nabokov was one of the most influential writers in the 20th century。 Lolita, Nabokov’s masterpiece, which was the most controversial work of all his works, attracted much attention from numerous readers and critics since its publication。 The novel narrates the emotional life of Humbert by Humbert’s confession in prison, focusing on the time of living with Lolita。 The analysis of the course of Humbert’s mind has fascinated many commentators。 As for Lolita, the very figure that could make Humbert give up his life for her, was often treated as a secondary and single person。 The thesis is consist of introduction, three parts of the text and conclusion。 The introduction briefly introduce the author and main contents of the novel。 The first part of the text shows the conservative attitude towards feminism and his writing techniques which takes Lolita as the second angle of view。 The second part lists a serious of tragedies of Lolita。 The third part reveals the reasons of Lolita’s tragedies。 Thus it comes to the conclusion that Lolita is also a victim in this love affair。 The analysis of Lolita from the perspective of feminism can help readers better understand Lolita。 94637

Key words: Lolita; Nabokov; feminism; tragedy

摘要美国俄裔作家弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫是二十世纪最具影响力的作家之一,他的代表作《洛丽塔》自出版后吸引了无数读者和评论家的广泛关注,是他最富争议的一部作品。小说以亨伯特在狱中忏悔的自白讲述了主人公的情感生活,重点描述了与洛丽塔共同生活的时光。对亨伯特心路历程的剖析令众多评论家们着迷,而洛丽塔,这个可以令主人公为她舍弃生命的重要人物往往被当成一个次要和单一的人物来看待。论文包括引言,正文的三个部分及结论。 引言部分简要介绍作者和此本小说的主要内容。正文的第一部分介绍了作者对女性的保守态度以及以女主人公为第二视角的写作手法, 第二部分析了女主人公洛丽塔的悲剧所在,第三部分揭示了造成女主人公悲剧的原因。由此得出结论,洛丽塔也是这场爱情的受害者。从女性主义视角解读洛丽塔,有助于读者更好地理解女主人公。



1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 2

3。 Nabokov’s Views towards Feminism 2

3。1 Nabokov’s conservative view towards feminism 2

3。2 Nabokov’s narrative techniques from the perspective of Humbert 3

4。 The Tragedies of Lolita 5

4。1 Humbert’s crazy domination on Lolita 5

4。2 Lolita’s inability to resist Humbert 6

4。3 Readers’ preference for Humbert 8

5。 The Causes of Lolita’s Tragedy 10

5。1 The unequal relationship between Lolita and Humbert 10

5。2 Lolita’s incomplete awareness of feminism 11

6。 Conclusion 12

Works Cited 13

1。 Introduction

Nabokov, a Russian-born American novelist, critic, and recognized lepidopterist, wrote both in English and Russian。 He was born on 23 April 1899。 Nabokov is a productive contributor to many literary fields, creating in both Russian and English would run into thirty or forty volumes。 But his greatest achievement is in novels。 He published his first novel in 1926。 After 1940, the middle-aged man gave up his glorious mother language and tried to create in English。 He wrote nine novel in English in all, among which Lolita, Pnin, Pale Fire, Ada are the best known and generally regarded as the finest of his American novels。 

















