These are studies of some famous reviewers。 In my point of view, loss and reconstruction of black subjectivity is also a problem of the novel。 So my thesis attempts to analyze the tragedy of the black community under the white strong culture, which may cause to the variation of the black people。 I will reveal the main purpose of my thesis and give a solution to the social problem。

3。 Loss of Black Subjectivity

Though it is in a highly civilized country companied with high point of democracy, many people think that some special identities are superior to others。 People with white skin and blue eyes are used to assuming an air of superiority。 What they do are always right and are examples of others。 In opposite, black people are forced to accept white culture and internalize the white standard。 In the special surroundings, black people gradually lose their identities and become abnormal。

In the Bluest Eye, brutal racism as well as pressure of life burden leads to the wound that is hard to heal, making them become deformed and distorted。 People in the black community not only hate themselves but also extend hatred to their spouses and children。 The heroes Pecola, Pauline and Cholly attempted to use different ways to find out their values and sense of presence but finally fail。 Pecola became a total zombie due to her undue desire for a pair of blue eyes。 Pauline forgot her material instinct in her unreal dream and became a slave to a white family。 And Cholly became a beast for his brutish acts to his daughter (Zong 89)。 What has happened to the Breedlove family shows that under the cruel society, black lost their subjectivities。 

3。1 Pecola’s madness

In the world literature, child image may be neglected for most of history。 Innocence and pureness become the unique symbol of children。 The children who cry when they are hungry or laugh when they are full are like an empty box。 Yet one day in 1970, Toni Morrison held a blue empty box to readers accidentally。 And The Bluest Eye came into being。 At the beginning of the novel, Morrison chooses green-and-white house, warm family, running dog and nice friend to depict a wonderful life in the middle class family in American, Which Pecola always dream about。 She is like a poor dandelion which waft through the blue dream。

Pecola was a little black girl without confidence。 Long hours she sat looking in the mirror, trying to discover the secret of the ugliness, the ugliness that made her ignored and despised at school by teachers and classmates。 She was the only member of her class who sat alone at a double desk。 The first letter of her last name forced her to sit in front of the classroom always。 Teachers tried never glance at her and called on her only when everyone was required to respond。 Maybe, her name was so ugly that made teachers uncomfortable。 At school, if one girl wanted to particularly insult to a boy, she would shout, “Bobby loves Pecola!” and never fail to get peals of laughter from those in earshot and mock anger from the accused。

If her life was overshadowed by her ugliness, the heaviest shadow was loneliness。 She was always alone。 A group of boys ever gaily harassed her, “Black e mo black e mo ya dadd sleeps nekked”。 Their extemporization made up of two insults: the color of her skin and speculations on the sleeping habits of an adult。 Junior who pretended to make friends with Pecola calumniated her about the death of the cat。 Also the storekeeper with grey head was accustomed to look down upon Pecola who did not want to touch her hand when he took pennies (Morrison 42)。 Pecola gradually grew up in this kind of surroundings that full of abuse and taunts。 She loved dandelions which she thought is very pretty。 But she wondered why people call them weeds。 The unspectacular dandelion was a symbol of Pecola which must be weeded and abandoned in the society。

Pecola did not trouble to think about the reasons why she was marginalized。 In contrast, she was much clear that everything she was experiencing stem from her ugliness。 When people talked about white and pretty girl, what they admired most was their beautiful blue eyes。 So in her mind, blue eyes meant happiness, warmth and beauty。 And it became her unrealistic dream。 It was on a Saturday afternoon, in the thin light of spring, Cholly staggered home reeling drunk and saw his daughter in the kitchen。 Pecola stood on one foot scratching the back of her calf with her toe which was what Pauline was doing the first time he saw her in Kentucky。 His emotions were mixed with revulsion, guilt, pity and love。 Then Pecola was raped by his father and everyone surrounded her was distinguished, amused, shocked, outraged, or even excited by the story。 The damage done was total。 She spent her day walking up and down and stepped over into madness。文献综述

















