The Tact maxim:Minimize the cost to others and maximize the benefit to others;

The Generosity maxim: Minimize the benefit to self and maximize the cost to self; 

The Approbation (or flattery) maxim: Minimize dispraise of others and maximize praise of others

The Modesty Maxim: Minimize praise of self and maximize dispraise of self。

The Agreement Maxim:  Minimize disagreement between self and others and maximize agreement between self and others;

The Sympathy Maxim:  Minimize antipathy between self and others and maximize sympathy between self and others。           

In daily life communication, politeness principle is the basic principle, and it is also an important pragmatic principle in the negotiation process of business English。 It is mainly pided into sympathy, planning, generosity, humility, praise and approval。(Lan 7)It can increase the goodwill of both sideand promote the smooth progress of cooperation to lay the foundation for long-term interests by reducing their interest and making the other side o gain more benefits。

In international trade negotiations, the cultural background is different, therefore each side needs to maintain a friendly attitude in the negotiation process to give each other a good impression and create a pleasant atmosphere。 Under the different cultural background in English business negotiation, politeness principle is very necessary and important。(Zhang 15)

When the other party's request can't be met, in accordance with the principles of cooperation, it should be directly denied, but this often leads to the breakdown of negotiations。 At this time, the speaker must make his own language polite, decent to achieve the good of the listener and promote the exchange can continue until the success of the negotiations。 The polite expressions used in the negotiation activities include greetings, thanks, apologies, invitations, and so on。

2。1。3Euphemism strategy文献综述

Euphemism is the use of a mild, indirect, elegant, implicit, polite speech to replace the more straightforward, or blunt, harsh, vulgar and rude language。 Euphemism is a commonly used rhetorical device, both in written and spoken language。(Wang 4) It has a long history of use, and is a common language phenomenon in all ethnic languages。 The use of euphemisms can avoid unpleasant events and unnecessary harm to the other in conversation。 In the process of communication, the proper use of euphemism can achieve twice the result with half the effort。 The economy is closely related with the interests of the business activities may need more rhetoric than other activities that need more effective use of verbal communication skills, proper and appropriate oral and written business negotiation, to avoid or reduce trade friction is not necessary, in order to achieve the best results, to achieve the best economic benefit。 English is the most commonly used business language in the world, so it is necessary for us to understand, learn and master the art of business English rhetoric and improve the level and effectiveness of international trade negotiations。 Euphemistic expressions are widely used in Business English, which involves almost every field of business activities and all aspects of the transaction process。 In addition to the use of euphemism, it uses a variety of grammatical forms, such as tense, voice, tone and so on, with various forms and flexible methods。

Business English is often seen to replace those words with direct blunt words euphemism, especially some easy to cause discomfort or caused by improper discrimination that makes the expression is sweet, dignified and elegant。 For example, we used "claim Department" to refer to the department which is responsible for customer complaints and claims, now we use "customer customer service department; what’s more, we use "developing country" instead of "poorcountry"’"economy priced" instead of "cheap";  And if the price is too high and the two sides can not achieve a agreement, "At that price we are not playing in the sameball park “is much more euphemism than the words that “at that price wecan t close the Business” , and this can ease the tense atmosphere in the negotiations。 It is very common to use Euphemism in Business English to express euphemistic expressions。 Proper use can not only improve language skills, but also reflect the inpidual culture of negotiators and express the speaker's politeness, thereby eliminating tense tension during negotiations and breaking the deadlock

















