Abstract The communication between teachers and students in class teaching has two ways: verbal and non-verbal。 Verbal communication can be defined as the sharing of information between inpiduals by using speech。 However, non-verbal communication refers to the application of facial expression, gesture and eye contact, which also called body language。 According to the survey, the body languages in the face-to-face communication between teachers and students provide more information rather than the verbal communication。 It significant suggest that good communication skills of body languages for teaching and learning are very helpful and important, which has benefits both in teaching and learning。 In order to achieve better teaching results, teachers should not only faithful verbal teaching, but also grasp good expression of the body language, attention to the effect of body language in class。94668

Keywords: Body language; teaching; communication


毕业论文关键词:肢体语言;教育; 交流


1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 1

3。 Body language with its expressing way 2

3。1 Eye contact 2

3。2 Facial expression 3

3。2 Gesture 4

4。 Advantages of application of body language in English teaching。 4

4。1。 Stirring students’ interests 5

4。2。 Expressing themselves better 5

4。3。 Understanding students better 6

5。 The application of body language in different courses in primary school English teaching 6

5。1。 Body language in teaching primary school listening 6

5。2。 Body language in teaching primary school speaking 7

5。3。 Body language in teaching primary school writing 8

6。 Conclusion 9

Works Cited 。10

1。 Introduction 

In daily life, people often use actions such as facial expressions, hand gestures rather than words to achieve the purpose of communication。 Classroom teaching is a kind of activity between students and teachers。 In Chinese English class, the body language has gradually become the important media。 Teachers should understand the body language correctly, master the features of body language and express their minds more perfectly。 Moreover, teachers should help students grasp the foreign language with new teaching technique。 Body language can take this role。 Also body language is useful for primary school English teaching。 In this article, the theoretical study and application of body language will be discussed。

2。 Literature Review

What is body language? Body language is an important medium that helps people communicative with each other。 It is a part of nonverbal language。 It includes things like eye contact, facial expressions, gesture and plays a necessary role in communicating with each other。 Body language can express the deep feeling by the way one sits, stands, moves。 Rather  than by words。 (Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary, 2001)。 It is very useful in primary school English education。 Using body language in English teaching in primary schools can arouse students’ interest in English education, due to the students’ characteristics。 First and foremost, it is unstable for primary school student attention to what teachers’ speech。 Moreover, it is rather related to their interest。 Only when the question is vivid and interesting will students pay special attention to it。 They will be absent-minded when teacher keep on talking one topic without any move。 What’s more, as the main form, the concrete thinking in image increasingly changes into the abstract thinking in logic which I the fundamental characteristic of primary school students’ mental development。 Last but not least, students’ memory is unconscious and unlimited because they are at young age in primary school。 They want to analyze all the knowledge directly from body language rather than normal talk。 They will memory the circumstance when teacher use his or her body to express the meaning of a word。 In all, English teacher in primary schools should use body language to improve students’ interest in studying。

















