3。Analysis of the Traditional Female Images

3。1 Traditional Chinese female image

     On the cultural side, the cultural system centered by the patriarchal society in China has exerted great influence on the female images。 Woman was in a low status from Confucius' theory of “Only women and flunky are hard to keep”, Dong Zhongshu's “three obediences” (in ancient China a woman was required to obey her father before marriage, and her husband during married life and her sons in widowhood) and “four virtues” (fidelity, physical charm, propriety in speech and efficiency in needle work) to the concept of chastity in southern and northern dynasties。 The traditional moral ethics maintained, consolidated, inherited, and deepened the concept of belittling women in the patriarchal society, which emphasized the male dominant position。 Therefore, men dominated the process of the civilization by virtue of this gender advantage while women were always on the edge or absent。 

     In terms of social status, both men and women are the founders of historical civilization and they are supposed to be equal。 But in fact it is not。 From the ape man to man until the feudal society, there were two periods of women’s status: one period is the matriarchal society which was dominated by women, and the other period was the patriarchal society。 Since then women were always in the vassal state。The feudal patriarchal system and feudal moral norms made the relationship between man and woman the master-slave and noble-humble。 “The three obediences and the four virtues” had been pressed on women, and women were educated to have feminine beauty from the birth, to have children for the husband, and to have a son to carry on his family name。

     Besides, education was not to help them learn knowledge, develop intelligence, but to teach them know the etiquette, women’s virtue, and make them the most suited people to the requirements of the patriarchal society。 So that they could accept the fact that men were superior to women, men occupied the high status。 Besides, women should learn to be submissive, and understand “the three obediences and the four virtues” to serve men。

     Therefore, the traditional Chinese female image was to be able to do “the three obediences and the four virtues”。 They should not only to be tempered and generous, but also do everything under men’s requirements。 What’s more, they shouldn’t fight for anything and they should devote themselves to the family all their lives。 However, Lao Zi’s Taoism shows the respect of women and raising awareness of women, which was a theoretical precursor。 And during the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, female consciousness was also initially awakened。 

3。2 Traditional Britain female image文献综述

     Britain is a Christian nation, and when Jesus founded Christianity, he saw women as equal members of society。 In the middle ages, Christianity became authority of the ruling class and the patriarchal society, gradually abandoned the idea of equality and fraternity of Jesus, and inherited some of the primitive Christianity that belittled and despised women and trampled and insulted women more wantonly。 Christianity believed that women were impure, and she brought sin to the world and seduced men into the abyss。 The church preached that women were incomplete and flawed 。 But Christianity also had another view of the Virgin Maria, the image of Maria as the mother of the people。 And Maria as the model role of the women was very prominent。 Maria embodied all the good qualities that Eve didn't have: chastity, humility, meekness and submission, and she was the perfect embodiment。 So the medieval Christianity’s attitude toward women was contradictory。 But due to this contradictory attitude, there was a loose concept space in the sense of maintaining women's social status。 And women could assume a certain social responsibility through it in the future。。

















