Abstract Language is a carrier of culture which reflects culture and helps form a cultural mode。 Translation involves several communicative acts which represent respective culture of nations。 Among types of translation, idiom translation is a typical process for presenting cultural characteristics of the source language。 This paper makes an investigation of cultural factors influencing idiom translation like religion, customs, psychological association, mode of thinking, and then proposes some strategies for idiom translation。 95017

Keywords: cultural differences; outlook on life and value; strategies for idiom translation 




1。Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 2

3。 Definitions of Culture and Idiom 2

3。1 Culture 3

3。2 Idiom 3

4。 Cultural Differences between Chinese and English Idioms 4

4。1 Convention, religion and history 4

4。2 Psychological association 6

4。3 Mode of thinking 6

4。4 Outlook on life and value 7

5。Difficulties in Idiom Translation 9

5。1Unequivalence of Chinese and English idioms 9

5。2Distorting meaning of idioms 9

5。3Conventional usage 10

6。Strategies for Idiom Translation 10

6。1Literal translation 10

6。2Free translation 10

6。3Structure-borrowing 11

6。4Additional translation 11

6。5 Combination of literal and free translation 12

6。6Omission 12

7。 Conclusion 12

Works Cited 14

1。Introduction 源C于H优J尔W论R文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ752-018766

With the increasing development of globalization, the cultural and commercial communication between China and western countries is on the rise。 Due to the purpose of achieving effective and efficient communication, in the process of translation, we have to take into consideration cultural factors such as different living environments, religions, customs, psychological associations, modes of thinking, which are embedded in different languages and cause the translator to misunderstand the source text。 Translation involves not only the transform of the two languages but also the exchange of the two cultures。 Among types of translation, idiom translation is a typical process of presenting cultural characteristics of the source language, which can be embodied in cultural differences。 We should keep in mind that the essence of translation is to disseminate cultural information。 

Each nation has its unique culture and idioms, both of which reflect its life and faith。 So it is more significant to be familiar with two cultures than to master two languages in light of a successful translation for a word makes sense in a particular background。 For example, Chinese people usually use the phrase “挥金如土” to make a comment on a person who is indifferent to money while the British often employ “spend money like water” to describe such a man。 As we all know, the United Kingdom is a sovereign state located off the north-western coast of continental Europe, and people’s lives are closely related to water, which is an indispensable component in the idiom in question。 In the UK, people believe in God, coining some expressions like “for God’s sake”, “a hell of”, “or the hell of it”。 Apart from these, those who know little about Christian culture will have problems interpreting the idioms derived from the Bible, such as “a good Samaritan” and “play Judas”。 Therefore, it is important to know differences between Chinese and Western culture。 Besides, idioms are an essential and relatively mature part of the English vocabulary。 The acquisition of idioms is crucial for translators to master English。论文网

















