    摘 要 60年代末,在英国掀起了对传统教学法的改革。英国语言学家威尔金斯论证了意念大纲的优越性。1978年,威多森在《交际语言教学法》一书中首次提到交际法,使它逐渐得到重视和发展。本文通过论述交际教学法理论及其特点和教学目标,并与我国中学英语教学中传统教学法进行对比分析,探究在中学英语课堂中运用交际法的途径及如何培养学生综合语言运用能力。本文致力于让更多中学教师认识到交际法的重要性并把它运用到中学英语教学中,进一步提高学生的语言综合能力。28319
    Abstract   At the end of 1960s, the UK has started the reform of the traditional teaching methods. British linguist Wilkins proved the notional syllabus is superior. In 1978, the book Teaching Language as Communication was wrote, in which Widdowson put forward and expounded the idea of application of communicative approach; communicative approach gradually attracted attention and become widespread. This paper will discuss the theory of communicative approach, features and teaching objectives, and compare with the traditional methods on English teaching in middle schools in China. It explores the way to apply communicative approach to English teaching in middle schools, and how to cultivate students’ comprehensive language application ability. This paper intends to make more teachers recognize the importance of communicative approach and apply to English teaching in middle school to improve students’ language comprehensive ability.
    Key words: communicative approach; English teaching in middle schools; comprehensive ability
     The Application of Communicative Approach to English Teaching in Middle Schools
    摘 要.....i
    I. Introduction..1
    II. Introduction to the Communicative Approach2
    2.1 Communicative Approach2
    2.2 Features of Communicative Approach3
    2.3 Objectives of Communicative Approach4
    III. Communicative Approach and Traditional Methods5
    3.1 Traditional Methods5
    3.2 Problems in Reality8
    3.3 Comparison Between Communicative Approach and Traditional Methods9 
    IV. Application of Communicative Approach to English Teaching in Middle Schools.10
      4.1 Establishing the Subjective Consciousness of Students11
      4.2 Creating More Realistic Situation12
      4.3 Using Multimedia13
      4.4 Establishing Equal Collaborative Relationship13
    V. Conclusion14
    I.    Introduction

        Communicative approach originated from the reform of the traditional methods in Britain in the late 1960s. On the basis of the theory of the communicative approach, communicative approach emphasizes that in the process of language learning, it is necessary and important to use language to communicate. “The core content of communicative teaching is not learning language not even learning about the knowledge of language, but using language to learn and learning to use language” (Li 373). That is to say, language and communication are interdependence. Students can use the language to communicate with people, access to information, and cultivate their communicative competence in English. That is why linguists treated language as a communicative tool. In 1987, Widdowson published the book Teaching Language as Communication. Communicative approach emerged as a historic moment. This teaching method expressly points out the main and ultimate aim of English teaching in order to cultivate students “communicative competence”. Compared with the traditional methods, communicative approach has changed the traditional teacher-centered teaching method. The new mode of teaching is based on the behavior of students and teachers. In another word, students are most important subjects in studying while teachers only play a leading role. In the process of English teaching, teachers should focus on all developments of students and develop their comprehensive skills. It requires the teachers should pay more attention to the correction and appropriateness of using of language in teaching. In particular, with the development of Chinese society, international exchange and cooperation have a close relationship, and society has brought up superior demands to talents, which not only asks them to have professional knowledge, but also have the high ability on English teaching. Thus English teachers should change the traditional methods in teaching and make great efforts to development of students’ comprehension by using English ability. This paper introduces the communicative approach and its features and aims of teaching, then discusses some problems of present English teaching, and gives some advice on how to teach English with the communicative approach. On this basis, the application of communicative approach will improve students’ communicative ability, and also cultivate more communicative talents for our country.
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