    摘 要汉语文化负载词承载了中国悠久的历史文化和内涵,反映了中国人民的社会生活。近年来,汉语文化负载词的英译研究受到国内学者的重视,而且逐渐成为了一个研究热点。本文采用文本分析法,收集了相关的信息资料来阐述汉语文化负载词。通过对汉语文化负载词的定义和分类、翻译中存在的问题、汉语文化负载词的翻译策略等方面的研究与分析,本文总结出归化和异化两种方法来解决汉语文化负载词英译中存在的问题。本文有助于提高汉语文化负载词的翻译质量。28318
    Chinese culture-loaded words bear the weight of the Chinese long history and cultural connotation. It also reflects the social activities of Chinese people. The domestic scholars pay more attention to the study of translation. And it’s gradually developed into a hot research area. Text analysis methods are put to use in this paper and the relative data information is gathered from different dictionaries and papers to declare the Chinese culture-loaded words. According to the definition and classification of Chinese culture-loaded words, the problems of translation and the translation strategy, it comes to a conclusion that it can use the foreignization and the domestication to solve some problems in the translation of Chinese culture-loaded words. This paper will be conducive to improving the quality of the translation of Chinese culture-loaded words.
    Key words: Chinese culture-loaded words; problems of translation; translation strategy
    Analysis of the Translation of Chinese Culture-loaded Words
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I.Introduction    1
    II.Definition and Classification of Chinese Culture-loaded Words    2
    2.1 Definition of Chinese Clture-loaded Words    2
    2.2 Classification of Chinese Culture-loaded Words    2
    2.2.1 Ecological Words    3
    2.2.2 Religious Words    3
    2.2.3 Material Words    3
    2.2.4 Social Words    4
    III.Problems in the Translation of Culture-loaded Words    4
    3.1 Chinglish    5
    3.2 Ignorance of Cultural Differences    5
    3.3 Ignorance of Different Associative Meanings    6
    IV.The Translation Strategies of Chinese Culture-loaded Words    6
    4.1 Foreignization    7
    4.1.1 Transliteration    7
    4.1.2 Word-for-word Translation    8
    4.2 Domestication    10
    4.2.1 Substitutions    10
    4.2.2 Free Translation    11
    V.Conclusion    11
    Bibliography    14
    Acknowledgements    15
    I .Introduction

    With the rapid development of the world, Chinese culture-loaded words occupy more and more important position in the study of translation. It’s faced with a variety of problems and all kinds of difficulty. So this paper points at translation from the cultural background. Then the large topic is narrowed down to English translation of Chinese culture-loaded words, and the reason mainly lies in two aspects: taking an overall view of translation as its core, which cannot match our country’s brilliant culture and China’s greater role in the international communication. The dissemination of Chinese culture is a compulsory responsibility for the Chinese translators.
    Word is the most positive and the most subtle composed of language, and it can reflect culture immediately. China has a broad and profound culture. Chinese culture has a long history. The words which reflect its particular culture are sumless. The translation of such words is of great significance in introducing Chinese culture to the world. But just because of the unique cultural connotations of these words, their accurate translation poses a very difficult problem to the translators.
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