    摘 要翻译作为一种跨文化的交际活动,与文化因素有着复杂而微妙的关系。受不同文化因素的影响和制约,译者在翻译过程中会选取不同的翻译策略。异化和归化作为翻译的策略一直是翻译界争论的焦点。本文运用对比分析的方法,从社会、译者、读者三方面对影响异化和归化两大翻译策略的文化因素进行深入探讨。通过对影响翻译策略的文化因素的分析,我们可以看出文化因素在很大程度上影响翻译策略的使用。本文有助于深化我们对翻译活动的认识,从而更好地使用翻译策略。28548
    Abstract  As an intercultural communicative activity, translation has complicated and subtle relationship with cultural factors. There are a lot of perse expressions and translation strategies chosen by a translator for the influence of many cultural factors in the course of translating. As two major translation strategies, foreignization and domestication have been the focus of the debate in the translation field for a long time. The paper provides a contrastive analysis to discuss how cultural factors influence translation strategies from three perspectives of the society, the translator and the reader. From analysis of cultural factors on translation strategies, we can draw a conclusion that cultural factors exert important impacts on the use of translation strategies to a large extent. This paper will be beneficial to deepen the understanding of translation and enrich the theory study of translation.
    Key words: cultural factors; foreignization; domestication; translation strategies
     Impacts of Cultural Factors on the Translation Strategies
    I. Introduction1
    II. A Historical Retrospection of Translation Strategy.2
     2.1 Foreignization and Domestication in the History of Chinese Translation.3
     2.2 The Development of Foreignization and Domestication in the Western   Translation Filed4
    III. Analysis on Foreignization and Domestication5
     3.1 Foreignization.5
     3.2 Domestication.6
    IV. Effective Factors on Translation Strategies.7
     4.1 Factors of the Target-text Reader.8
     4.2 The Qualitative Factors of the Translator9
      4.2.1Translator’s Cultural Capacity.9
      4.2.2 The Intention of Translation.10
     4.3 Social-cultural Factors 10
      4.3.1 The Natural Environment Factors11
      4.3.2 Historical Cultural Factors14
    V. Conclusion16
    I. Introduction
        In the circle of translation studies, the understanding of translation has shifted in its traditional sense:it is not just a simple transfer of language signs but a kind of process of the cultural transmission. Thus, translation has become an intercultural communicative activity. Nord said: “Translating means comparing cultures.”(34) As translation is related to two cultures in which their cultural factors were expressed in two unique languages, translation can be regarded as cultural transmission both in its narrow sense and broad sense. There is an interrelated relationship between cultural study and translation study in the context of globalization. There is no possibility to have a comprehensive and reliable translation theory study if it was porced from cultural study. Translation definitely involves different languages and cultures, which will clash, melt and blend into a hybrid target text in translating. Cultural factors have an significant impact on the choice of translation strategies, i.e. in the course of translating, the translator couldn’t break away from cultural factors if he or she wants to do a better translation work. More and more scholars in the field of translation studies begin to make an on-the-spot investigation on translation from the aspect of culture between the East and West. “Translators interpret source-culture phenomena in the light of their own culture-specific knowledge of that culture, from either the inside or the outside, depending on whether the translation is from or into the translator’s native language-and-culture.”(Nord 34) Culture is all pervasive, not only including customs and living habits, ideas and beliefs but also the artifacts made by human beings. Cultural factors are about presentations and words that are particular and unique to two distinct languages and cultures. It includes but not limited to the religion beliefs, way of life, and customs that are shared and accepted by people in a particular society. It also relates to perse expressions and words on account of enormous differences in natural environment and historical and cultural background between the two countries and languages. Cultural factor play a role can not to be neglected in translation strategies. In the meantime, the translator would use different translation strategies due to the differences of natural, historical and religion factors and that of economic and political policies.
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