    摘 要当今信息时代,广告是普遍存在的。正如我们所知道的,广告在我们的社会中扮演者重要的功能,也就是信息传播功能,市场营销功能,激励竞争功能和教育功能。为了迎合广告的这一功能,广告的风格特点的重要性变得非常突出。广告语言也逐渐形成了它自己独特的特点。为了使英语学习者能更好的理解和鉴赏英语广告,提高英语广告翻译水平,本篇论文将要通过对一些英语广告语的具体赏析来阐述英语广告词汇的特点。29906
    Abstract  In this information age, advertisements are omnipresent. As we all know, advertising plays four fundamental roles in our society, that is to say, the transmission of information, the marketing role, encouragement of competition and the educational role. In order to cater to these roles, great importance has been attached to the stylistic features of advertisements . Gradually, language of advertising has developed its own unique features. This paper will make a detailed exploration on some advertisements to illustrate the lexical features of English advertisements in hope of enabling English learners to better understand and appreciate English advertisements, and improve their skills in the translation of advertisements.
     Key words: English advertisements; ubiquity; basic principles and functions; lexical features
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. The classification and ubiquity of English Advertisements    1
    III. The basic principles and functions of English advertisements    3
    3.1 The basic principles of English advertisements    3
    3.2 The Basic Functions of English advertisements    4
    IV. Lexical features of English advertisements    5
    4.1 The Concise and Spoken word    5
    4.2 The Innovation of Spelling    7
    4.2.1 The Use of Coinage    7
    4.2.2 The Use of Misspelling    8
    4.3 The Use of Borrowed Words    9
    4.4 Wide Use of Adjectives    10
    4.5 The Use of Verbs    11
    4.6 Frequent Use of Personal Pronouns    12
    4.7 Flexible Use of Compound Words    13
    4.8 The Use of Abbreviation    14
    4.9 Repetition of Key Words    15
    V. Conclusion    16
    Bibliography    18
    An Analysis of Lexical Features of English Advertisements
    I. Introduction
     Advertisements, being an important way to deliver information to the public and as a result of intercultural and international business communication, has a great effect on people’s daily life in various aspects, what’s more, with the social progress and economic development, the effect has become more and more powerful. A successful advertiser can take most advantage of all kinds of techniques, such as visual and audial effects, pictures and drawing, display and acting, and so on, but no matter how techniques work, the language is the most crucial and fundamental one in advertising. The ultimate aim of advertising is to attract and persuade consumers to purchase their products or services, therefore, distinguished from common English language, advertising language has formed its own features for thinking and expressing. This paper consists of three parts, the first part is about the various types and ubiquity of English advertisements. The second part is to introduce the basic principles and functions of English advertisements. The last part mainly focuses on the lexical features of English advertisements and finds that the concise and spoken words, the innovation of spelling, adjectives, verbs, and personal pronouns are extensively used, words are flexibly formed, and key words are often repeated. All these features make advertisements more vivid, interesting and attractive. The analysis of these lexical features are conducive to readers better understanding and appreciating English advertisements, and improving in their translation of English advertisements.
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