    Abstract For the past few years, the trend of economic globalization and Korean wave has brought about rapid development of the cosmetics industry. Because of the huge population and rising purchasing power, college students should not be ignored as an important consumer group. As the main force of the future consumption of Korean brand cosmetics, their marketing potential is worth being concerned. Only deeply understand their cosmetics consumer behavior can companies develop targeted marketing strategies to make greater profits.30873
    This thesis targets the students at Jiangsu Normal University as object using questionnaires to investigate the possibilities of their purchasing reasons, and analyzing the result received, then abstracting the main reasons affecting the purchase by campus students. In the end, marketing suggestions are put forward to those Korean brand cosmetic industries.
    Key Words: University students     Purchasing of Korean brand cosmetic     Consumer behavior     Consumer psychology
      摘  要近年来,全球化发展,韩流等经济文化因素促进了韩国品牌化妆品行业的高速发展。作为未来韩国品牌化妆品消费的主力军,大学生的市场潜力值得关注。企业只有深入了解大学生们的化妆品消费行为特性,才能制定出针对性的营销策略,为企业带来更丰厚的收益。
    关键词:大学生     韩国化妆品购买     消费者行为     消费者心理
    Chapter One Introduction    1
    1.1 Research Background and Motives    1
    1.2 Research Aim and Significance    2
    1.3 Research Scope and Object    3
    Chapter Two Literature Review    5
    2. 1 Consumer Behavior Theory    5
    2.2 Consumer Psychology    6
    2.3 Relative Research in College Students’ Cosmetics Consumer Behavior    7
    Chapter Three Research Design    11
    3.1 Research Process    11
    3.2 Research Variables    12
    3.3 Research Methods and Data Collection    13
    Chapter Four Data Analysis    16
    4.1 Structural Analysis of Samples    16
    4.2 Analysis of Korean Brand Cosmetics Consumer Behavior    16
    Chapter Five Research Conclusion and Suggestions    20
    5.1 Research Conclusion    20
    5.2 Marketing Suggestions    21
    5.3 Research Limitations    23
    References    24
    Appendix    25
       Survey on the Factors that Influence the Behavior of Purchasing Korean Brand Cosmetics among Students at NU
     Chapter One   Introduction
    1.1 Research Background and Motives
    Nowadays, the beauty economy, due to the reason of satisfying people’s request of beauty, has becoming more and more significant. Cosmetic is playing more and more important role in people’s daily life as well as the cosmetic industry.
    According to the data from Statistical Communiqué of the People's Republic of China on the 2012 National Economic and Social Development, the sale of cosmetic in China increases by 17.0% to 176.5 billion, which is 14.7% of global cosmetic purchase. The sales data of cosmetic market indicates that the amount of consumption per person is in pretty low right now in China, which means that it has a great potential to increase dramatically. Such a great market potential attracts so many industries all over the world to come into.
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