    Abstract Theodore Dreiser is not only a prominent writer in the 20th century American literature history but also one of the pioneers of American modern fictions. His representative work Sister Carrie tells a story about a girl, who changes from an innocent city immigrant to a commodity, and ultimately becomes an actress. In fact, Carrie is a successful woman with her own distinct characteristics.32537
    This paper aims to analyze her characteristics from three aspects, namely, they are awakening consciousness of independence, making her own choices and starting her new life. From the above analysis, as a New Woman, many positive aspects from Carrie can be interpreted. She has a positive attitude, a strong will and a mature mind when achieving her self-value, which are worth learning. In addition, her independent spirit and ability are also estimable.
    Unlike the traditional female, Sister Carrie is full of aspiration. She makes great efforts to create and determine her own lives and her own future. In a word, she is a New Woman created by Theodore Dreiser.
    Key words: Theodore Dreiser     Sister Carrie     Carrie     character     New Woman
    摘 要西奥多•德莱塞是20世纪美国文学史上一位杰出的作家,也是美国现代小说的先驱。他的代表作《嘉莉妹妹》讲述的是一个来自农村的女孩,通过奋斗最终成为一位著名演员的故事。德莱塞所塑造的嘉莉妹妹是一位成功的女性,她的身上有很鲜明的性格特征。
    毕业论文关键字:西奥多•德莱塞     《嘉莉妹妹》     嘉莉     性格     新女性
    Contents. iii
    Chapter One Awakening Consciousness of Independence.3
    1.1 Pursuing Her Dreams with a Positive Attitude..3
    1.2 Solving Difficulties with a Strong Will6
    1.3 Supporting Her Family with a Mature Mind .7
    Chapter Two Making Her Own Choices.9
    2.1    Shaking off Poverty9
    2.2    Starting the Spiritual Pursuit.10
    Chapter Three Starting a New Life ..12
    3.1 Becoming More Charming with Physical Shaping..12
    3.2 Realizing the Actress Dream with Spiritual Shaping13
    Works Cited18
    A New Woman—An Analysis of Carrie in Sister Carrie
    At the end of 19th century, people’s thoughts changed a lot. More and more people were involved in huge confusion, which is the background of this novel. In American literature, Theodore Dreiser is a prominent writer in the American literature history in 20th century and also the pioneer of American modern fictions. Sister Carrie is his first novel and has caused enormous reverberations. This novel tells a story about a poor girl who comes to Chicago alone and then receives great achievements both in mental and physical world.
    In this paper, it tends to analyze her characteristic related to the word-New Woman, which shows one new aspect of her characteristic. In general, the paper analyzes Carrie’s characteristic in three parts: awakening independent consciousness, making her own choices and starting her new life. Each part focuses on one main aspect to present Carrie’s characteristic based on the concept of New Woman.
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