    Acknowledgments One of the greatest joys during the writing of this thesis is discussing with people who have given not just their time and attention, but their hearts and souls as well. I would like to thank the following people for their dedication and contribution, without which the path to the finishing line would have been a whole lot more bumpy.My profound gratitude first goes to Mrs., my supervisor, who has generously shared her inspirational and provocative ideas during many of our face-to-face discussion sessions. I will never forget that every Tuesday evening during this period, she has spared much of his precious time for me, reading and revising my paper—paragraph by paragraph. Her rigorous education style and earnest working attitude profoundly affect me. It is she who helps me to make the thesis perfect. Thank Mrs. Wang Min again with the most sincere gratitude.35202
    Then I will convey my appreciation to all of my school teacher in my college life. Thank you all for sparing no effort to give all your knowledge to me. Without the knowledge and experience, I will not make this.
    Meanwhile, I will thank my college, Shanghai Institute of Technology. It is SIT that provides us such good environment for us to devote ourselves to studying.
    I must also thank my dear classmates. We have both spent a happy and memorable days and come through so many difficulties. Thanks for the companion.
    Last but not least, I will say thank you again to all the people who have given help to me. With your help, I walk through this thesis road swimmingly.
    It is a despairing story. What expose to people is the ugly side of human, which is the most real side in realism. It is the story that not only happens in town Maycomb, but it is the epitome of the whole our human society. The tragedy color comes from the prejudice indeed, which is one of the most odious temperaments of people. Racial discrimination is just one kind of the prejudices. In fact, prejudice and slaughter always run though people society all the time, never stopping. It is common that once prejudice to something sprouts in people’s mind, it is spontaneous for people to tend to resist them. It is sad that it is the prejudice that is relied on to make the society stronger and solider. If we are not fond of one thing, instead, we will find the substitute. Thus the new thing supersedes the old one. People set up social circle based on personal preference, and push the others to the opposite. It is just like what the residents in town Maycomb do to Atticus Finch, flinging and abusing.

    With the help of Symbolism, the most important part of the writing skill of the novel, it is easy to make a comparison between concrete things and abstract concepts. Using a specific thing to describe an abstract thing is common in literature writing as an idiomatic expression method. Symbolism pides thing into two parts clearly. For example, it is obvious to find out that the key word ‘mocking’ is running through the whole novel from beginning to end. Readers may easily think of that there must be some morals with it, and, of course it has some. It just catches the readers’ eyes successfully.

    The tragic color of the story of mockingbird comes from one of the most deformed human characters, which is, prejudice. But it is sad that people in town are extremely pedantic and unenlightened. In the novel, it reveals the common phenomenon in virtue of symbolism. The prejudice includes not only racial discrimination but the regional discrimination and gender discrimination as well. This thesis elaborates the specific use of symbolism quite well. It tells the reality imperturbably and objectively which is quite thought-provoking.

    Leading character, Atticus is righteous and tolerant; his children Jem and Scott are kind and innocent; poor mockingbirds like Tom Robinson, Mayella, they have miserable alike lives. All of these things are intertwined in one novel, which constitutes this whole story. Through the striking contrast, the virtue and the wickedness are struggling, then comes the central theme.
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