    Abstract Hemingway, a famous writer, is always considered to pay more attention to the male characters. Many people think Hemingway doesn’t know how to create female characters or even discriminates women. So they think there is no need to analyze the heroines in Hemingway’s novels. As a result, few critics have analyzed the characters of Catherine in A Farewell to Arms. However, Catherine’s love story with Henry is an important clue in the novel and her dystocia in giving birth to a child at the end of the novel moved so many readers that they wrote to Hemingway to change the ending. This shows that Catherine is an important figure in the novel. 35208
    Taking all into consideration, this thesis will analyze the characters of the heroine, Catherine from three angles: her attitudes towards love, her attitudes towards her past and future life and her attitudes towards war and death. In the aspect of her attitudes towards love, she is loyal to her lover, tender and kind to her lover, dependent on and humorous to her lover. In the aspect of her attitudes towards life, she wants to escape from past but she is clear about future. In the aspect of her attitudes towards war and death, she is hateful to the war and she is brave to face death. Although Hemingway depicted Catherine as a traditional obedient female figure, the wisdom and courage in Catherine reflected Hemingway’s changing attitudes towards women.
    Key words: Earnest Hemingway     A Farewell to Arms     Catherine    Tradition     Characteristics
    摘  要著名作家海明威一直被认为是更关注于男性角色的描写。在很多人看来,海明威不知道如何塑造女性角色甚至是歧视女性。所以他们认为没有必要去分析海明威小说中的女性人物。因此,很少有评论家去分析《永别了,武器》中凯瑟琳的形象。然而凯瑟琳与亨利的爱情故事是小说发展的重要线索,并且在小说的结尾处,凯瑟琳因难产而死打动了众多的读者以至于他们写信给海明威请求他改变小说的结局。这足以说明凯瑟琳是小说中的重要人物。
    毕业论文关键词:欧内斯特•海明威     永别了,武器     凯瑟琳     传统     性格
    Abstract    i
    摘  要    ii
    Contents    iii
    Introduction    1
    Chapter One   Catherine’s Attitudes towards Love    4
    1.1    Loyal to Her Lover    4
    1.2    Tender and Kind to Her Lover    5
    1.3    Dependent on Her Lover    6
    1.4    Humorous to Her Lover    7
    Chapter Two   Catherine’s Attitudes towards Past and Future    8
    2.1    Escaping from Past    8
    2.2    Clear about Future    9
    Chapter Three  Catherine's Attitudes towards War and Death    11
    3.1    Hateful to the War    11
    3.2    Brave to Face Death    12
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