    Abstract With the development of international communication, more and more foreign TV products and movies have been introduced into China. However, the quality of subtitle translation cannot keep up with the increasing imports of foreign audiovisual products. Since introduced into China, the American sitcom The Big Bang Theory has attracted many Chinese young people. Of course, many factors contribute to the success of the sitcom. Humor of the language is one of the biggest features of the show apart from the excellent performance of the actors. Therefore, fine translation plays an important role in the popularity of the show. This paper, based on functional equivalence, takes a lot of examples from The Big Bang Theory. Through analyzing the strategies and methods the translators used, the paper aims to find some principles for subtitle translation and conclude some strategies and methods for the translation of special words and phrases. Since deduction, as a major method for subtitle translation, has been discussed by many people, this paper will not focus on this method. Instead, it deals with the script that cannot be translated literally with general methods. For example, for culture-specific words, strategies of annotation combined with literal translation or free translation will be adopted, while for internet buzzwords or pun words, the translators have to be very creative and deal with them with flexibility.35249
    Key Words: functional equivalence     subtitle translation     The Big Bang Theory     translation strategies
    摘  要随着国际交流的增加,越来越多的外国影视作品开始引进我国。然而与外国影视作品大量引进我国不相统一的是我国字幕翻译质量的良莠不齐。生活大爆炸自被引进我国,便受到了当下年轻人的热烈追捧。它的成功自然取决于很多因素,除了演员的自身素养,语言的幽默风趣是其一大特色。因此好的翻译是这部剧受到欢迎的一个重大因素。本文以功能对等为理论基础,从生活大爆炸中选取大量实例,分析译者在翻译时所采取的策略和方法,旨在探索字幕翻译的规律,总结一些特殊字幕翻译的方法。由于删减法作为字幕翻译的主要方法已经被许多人论述,本文不再多加赘述。本文主要分析的是在简单直译无法进行的时候应采取何种策略达到功能对等。比如文化专属词的翻译,主要应采取直译或意义加注释的方式,而对于网络流行语和双关语等,则需要译者充分发挥其创造性,灵活应对。
    毕业论文关键词:功能对等     字幕翻译     生活大爆炸     翻译策略
    Abstract    i
    摘  要    ii
    Contents    iii
    On Subtitle Translation of the Sitcom The Big Bang Theory from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence    1
    Ⅰ Introduction    1
    1.1 Research Background    1
    1.2 The Significance of the Present Study    2
    1.3 Structure    3
    Ⅱ Literature Review    5
    2.1 Definition, Features and Classifications of Subtitles    5
    2.2 Previous Study of Subtitle Translation Abroad and at Home    7
    2.2.1 The Development of Subtitle Translation Abroad and at Home    7
    2.2.2 Strategies for Subtitle Translation    8
    Ⅲ Functional Equivalence and Subtitle Translation    10
    3.1 An Overview of Nida’s Functional Equivalence    10
    3.2 Two Levels of Functional Equivalence    10
    3.3 Application of Functional Equivalence in Subtitle Translation    11
    Ⅳ Translation Strategies of Subtitles of The Big Bang Theory under the Guidance of Functional Equivalence    13
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