    摘 要实施素质教育是我国迎战21世纪挑战,提高国民素质,培养跨世纪人才的战略举措。本文从文献研究入手,通过对学生语言素质、学习潜能、自学能力、文化素质和思想素质等发面的研究,使学生获得基本的语言交际能力,为学生的发展和终身学习打下良好的基础。我们今后也能更好地理解中学英语教学中的素质教育。实施素质教育有利于教师因材施教和学生的全面发展。35240
    Abstract  The implementation of quality education meets head-on the challenges of the twenty-first Century in our country. It can improve our national quality and bring up cross-century specialists. According to the documents research, this paper makes a brief analysis on language quality, learning potential, self-learning ability, culture quality and ideological quality. It can help them to have the ability of communication and find a good basic development of students and lifelong learning. We can also understand the quality education better in future teaching activities. The implementation of quality education helps teachers teach students in accordance with their aptitude. And it is also good for all-round development of students.
    Key words: English teaching in middle school; quality education; students’ abilities
    A Brief Analysis of the Quality Education of English Teaching in Middle School
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Teacher’s Comprehensive Quality    2
    2.1 Current Situation of Teachers    2
    2.2 Requirements of Teachers    2
    III. Students’ Problems in Learning English    3
    IV. The Implementation of Specific Abilities of Quality Education    4
    4.1 Cultivating Students’ Language Quality    5
    4.2 Cultivating Students’ Learning Potential    8
    4.3 Cultivating Students’ Self-Learning Ability    10
    4.4 Cultivating Students’ Cultural Culture Quality    12
    4.5 Cultivating Students’ Ideological Quality    13
    V. Conclusion    15
    Bibliography    16
    Acknowledgements    17
    I. Introduction

    Since the quality education issued for a period of time, the foreign language teaching in China is still hovering in a cycle of the exam oriented-education. The purpose of learning is rooted in the exam. Teachers only teach the knowledge if it will be examined. Teaching activities are only designed about the exam. So students couldn’t express what they want to say. They don’t understand what teachers said. They can’t read the text smoothly and write them illogically. Exam-oriented education wastes a large number of human, financial and material resources. Li Lanqing once pierced that the phenomenon of English education is “high input, low output”. A way of English education must be studied from a new perspective. Just in time, the quality education is the demand of the English education. A quality education is the ultimate liberator. It is a way for students to develop themselves completely. The significance of promoting the quality education in English teaching is not only to acquire the language knowledge, but regard it as a useful tool to learn the world’s advanced cultural knowledge, science and technology. The useful information can also be get in international action. Quality education also makes English become a powerful weapon in the modernization of the country. It is the key of opening the outside world. Quality education is very important for students. They will enjoy their study and want to study. It is a good phenomenon that we are happy to see it. Quality education is also the perfect teaching method. And teachers will do better in their later teaching. In the pattern of traditional education, people who have a great number of knowledge care about their ability. It will promote the scientific development of education programs, and provide people with more perse. Providing a high-quality education for all children should be a top priority for every American. At the present times, it is cried for the persons who have the learning ability for life and his own development.
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