    摘 要《红楼梦》是曹雪芹创作的长篇小说,不仅是中国文学史上的一部巨著,在世界文学史上都有极大的影响力。该小说以四大家族的命运为背景,揭示了封建社会的没落。本论文主要讨论《红楼梦》中亲属称谓语的英译,通过对比分析中西方文化、家族观念和历史背景等因素所导致的汉英亲属称谓语的不同,来研究汉语亲属称谓语英译的方法和策略。本研究表明译者所受文化和目的的不同对他们的翻译工作中有很大的影响,有助于了解英汉亲属称谓语的差别,更好的让读者理解《红楼梦》。35642
    Abstract Hongloumeng is a long-length novel and was written by Cao Xueqin. It is a great work in the history of Chinese literature and has a great influence on the world literature. The background set in the rise and fall of the four great families, revealed the decline of feudal society. This paper mainly discusses the translation of kinship terms in hongloumeng. Owing to the differences in culture, family concept and historical background between China and the Western English world, the kinship terms also show great variations. This paper studies methods and strategies of translation of Chinese kinship terms after analysis of two different English versions of hongloumeng. It can reveal the fact that translators are affected by different culture and purpose in their translations. Hopefully this paper will benefit the acquaintance of the differences between Chinese and western cultures and make the readers come to better understanding of hongloumeng.
    Key words: Hongloumeng; kinship terms; translation; culture
    The Study of the English Translation of Kinship Terms in Hongloumeng
    摘   要    i
    Abstract    ii
    Ⅰ. Introduction    1
    Ⅱ. Culture    2
    2.1 Differences between Chinese and Western Family Culture    3
    2.2 Different Systems of Kinship Terms in Chinese and English    4
    2.3 The Influences of Culture    5
    III.Different Strategies in Translation    6
    3.1 Literal Translation and FreeTranslation    6
    3.2 Semantic Translation and Communicative Translation    .. 6
    3.3 Domesticating Translation and Foreignizing Translation    .. 7
    Ⅳ. Comparative of Kinship Terms’ Translation and Strategies    . 8
    4.1 Kinship Terms in Hongloumeng    9
    4.2 Comparison of Two Translation Versions of Kinship Terms in Hongloumeng    . 10
    4.3 Translation Strategies in the Two English Versions of Hongloumeng     12
    Ⅴ. Conclusion     13
    Bibliography    15
    Acknowledgements    16
    Ⅰ. Introduction
    Hongloumeng, written by Cao Xueqin in the middle of the 18th century during the Qing Dynasty, the last feudalistic dynasty in China, is one of the four famous works and a monumental work of Chinese fiction history, and has gone to the world since two hundred years ago. It was universally regarded as the best classical novel in China and a great encyclopedia of Chinese culture, because it involves almost all the traditional culture of China. Encyclopedia Britannica which was published in 1910 praised that “Hongloumeng is a very advanced work, its plot is complex and full of originality.” We could say that if one wants to research Chinese traditional culture, it would be a very good choice to study Hongloumeng. “Redology” is the field of the study of the work. There are much kinship terms in Hongloumeng. Kinship term is an important part of communication both in society and family and it plays a significant role in every language and culture.
    Translating a classical work is a key to achieve cultural communication. Hongloumeng, an immortal work of art, may be one of the most difficult literary works to translate. A multitude of kinship terms were used in Hongloumeng indicating almost all kinds of relationships. Therefore Hongloumeng is a most valuable work for studying kinship terms.
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