    摘 要合作原则是由美国语言学家格莱斯在1967年在他的著作《逻辑与会话》中提出来的,格莱斯认为我们人类正常的语言交流不是有一系列毫无联系的话语组合出来的,而是受到一定条件限制的,成功的谈话是双方努力的结果。在谈话时为了达到交流的目的,我们需要相互配合,而且也要遵守一定的规则。如果我们遵守了这些规则,那么也就达到了交流的目的,反之,如果我们违反了规则但别人又理解又理解你所表达的意思,这就产生了会话含义,这时就是合作原则在起作用。本文以《老友记》为原型,通过采用描写和解释相结合的方法来研究格莱斯的合作原则在称赞语及回应中的应用。通过这个研究,使我们更加深入了解合作原则在我们会话中所起到的重要作用及其带来的益处。35643
     Abstract Herbert Paul Grice proposed Cooperative Principle in his Logic and Conversation in 1967. He believes that the communications of our human beings are not combinations of a series of unrelated words, but subject to some restrictions, a successful conversation is a result of joint efforts made by both sides. when we are in a conversation, in order to achieve the purpose of communication, we need to cooperate with each other, and sometimes to comply with certain rules. On the other hand, if we break the rules, people still understand what we mean. It is the cooperative principle that is at work. In this paper, I will use Friends as prototype, then adopts the method of description and explanation to study the application of the cooperative principle in the compliments and responses. By studying this topic, we can further know the importance and benefits of CP in our daily conversation.
    Key words: Cooperative Principle; Friends; compliments and responses
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    Ⅰ. Introduction    1
    Ⅱ. A Historical Retrospection of CP    2
    2.1 Improvements on Cooperative Principle    2
    2.2 Complements to Cooperative Principle    2
    2.3 Negations of Cooperative Principle    3
    Ⅲ.Theoretical Framework of Cooperative Principle    4
    3.1 The Cooperative Principle    4
    3.2 Violation of the Maxims    6
    Ⅳ. The Application of the Cooperative Principle in the Compliments and Responses    8
    4.1 The Correct Application    8
    4.1.1 Maxim of Quantity    8
    4.1.2 Maxim of Quality    8
    4.1.3 Maxim of Relation    9
    4.1.4 Maxim of Manner    9
    4.2 Violation of Cooperative Principle    10
    4.2.1 Violation of Maxim of Quantity    10
    4.2.2 Violation of Maxim of Quality    11
    4.2.3 Violation of Maxim of Relation    12
    4.2.4 Violation of Maxim of Manner    13
    Ⅴ.Conclusion    14
    Bibliography    16
    Acknowledgements    17
    Application of CP in the Compliments and Responses in Friends
    Ⅰ. Introduction
    Friends, a humor comedy series, which is recognized as one of the most successful and influential American TV series in the world. This play premiered in the NBC, launched on September 22, 1994 and ended on May 6, 2004, a total of 236 sets (ten seasons), which has a history of 20 years since its release, until today it is still popular around the world. The story is set in Manhattan in a circle of friends, describing the six ordinary young people’s emotional ups and downs, twists and turns in their career and life, going through a lot of things hand in hand. The humorous conversations and vivid characters in Friends made Friends popular overnight. The details of their lives is so real, which deeply attracted numerous television audiences.
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