    摘 要词汇教学是外语教学的一个极其重要的组成部分。但是传统的词汇学习只重视掌握单词的读音、拼写、词形变化等表面层次, 忽略了词汇蕴含的深层文化含义, 使得词汇学习过程变得枯燥乏。在词汇教学中导入文化知识的学习,将极大地增强词汇学习的趣性, 调动学习者的积极性。本文从分析我国英语词汇教学的现状入手, 阐述了词汇、 语言与文化之间的深刻关系, 强调英语词汇教学中的文化导入,并探讨了文化导入的原则、内容和方法,说明了文化导入在英语词汇教学中的重要性。英语词汇教学不能仅仅停留在音、形、义的学习上,还要融入相关的英美文化背景知识,对比英汉词汇的文化差异,使学生掌握英语词汇的文化内涵, 提高英语词汇的教学效果,从而帮助学生提高文化敏感度,提高跨文化交际能力。35647
    Abstract Vocabulary teaching is an important part of foreign language teaching. But the traditional vocabulary learning only attaches importance to master the pronunciation of the words, spelling, inflections and other surface level, but ignores the deep cultural meanings making vocabulary learning becomes boring. Culture introduction in vocabulary teaching will greatly enhance the interest of vocabulary learning and mobilize the enthusiasm of the learners. This paper analyzes the current situation of English vocabulary teaching and elaborates a deep relationship among vocabulary, language and culture. Then it emphasizes cultural introduction in vocabulary teaching and discusses the principles, content and methods of cultural import. Finally, it illustrates the importance of cultural introduction in English vocabulary teaching. English vocabulary teaching cannot just stay in learning the sound, shape, and meaning, but to integrate the relevant cultural background to make students master the cultural connotation of English vocabulary and improve the effect of English vocabulary teaching, so as to help students improve the cultural sensitivity and improve the ability of cross-cultural communication.
    Key words: vocabulary teaching;junior English;cultural introduction
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Literature Review    2
    2.1 Status of English Vocabulary Teaching in Middle School    2
    2.2 Problems of English Vocabulary Teaching in Middle School    3
    2.3 Vocabulary and Ancient Culture    4
    2.4 Vocabulary and Foreign Culture    5
    2.5 Vocabulary and Contemporary Culture    6
    III. Cultural Differences Between English and Chinese Vocabulary    7
    3.1 Cultural Differences in Conceptual Meaning    7
    3.2 The Differences of Culture Connotation    7
    3.3 Cultural Differences in Idioms    9
    3.3.1 Differences in Living Conditions    9
    3.3.2 Custom Differences    9
    3.3.3 Historical Allusions    10
    IV. The Applications of Cultural Introduction    10
    4.1 The Importance of Cultural Introduction    10
    4.2 Contents of Cultural Introduction    11
    4.3 Methods of Cultural Introduction    11
    4.3.1 Methods of In-class Teaching    11
    4.3.2 Methods of Outside-class Teaching    12
    4.4 The Principles of Cultural Introduction    12
    4.4.1 Principle of Practicability    13
    4.4.2 Principle of Phase    13
    4.4.3 Principle of Adaptability    13
    V. Conclusion    13
    Bibliography    15
  1. 上一篇:农村中学生英语学习中存在的问题及对策
  2. 下一篇:中英动物词汇含义对比分析
  1. 英语中的花园路径现象

  2. 船海英语翻译的语义连贯

  3. 商务英语冲突类信函中人际意义的研究

  4. 商务英语信函中模糊语言的语用分析

  5. 中学英语教学中的情感因素

  6. 义乌市后宅镇农村小学英语教学现状调查

  7. 英语动物习语的特点及汉译策略

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