    Abstract  With the advance of China's reform and open-up policy, the communication between China and the western countries is becoming more and more frequent. Many Chinese young people choose to move to America to finish their education, start their career, and even settle down with their parents---the traditional Chinese old people. Therefore, the activity of cross-cultural communication has become increasingly frequent. Facing the differences between languages, customs and culture, how the old people deal with those inevitable problems in a completely strange surrounding. This paper will take a movie--Pushing Hands as an example, analyze the cultural shock in this movie, and explore how to get along with people in an unknown place, and cultivate their cultural integration ability. The present study aims to make people understand the differences between Chinese and western culture, overcome the obstacles in communication, cultivate the adaptability and awareness in cross-cultural communication and avoid the misunderstanding caused by culture persity.
    Key words: culture conflict; cross-cultural communication; cultural fusion
    The View of Sino-US Family Culture Conflict from Pushing Hands
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    ....1
    II. Plot and Main Characters of Pushing Hands    2
    2.1 Plot    2
    2.2 Analyses of Main Characters    4
    III. The Differences between Chinese and American Family Cultures    6
    3.1 Difference in Family Formation    6
    3.2. Different Attitudes to Children and Education    7
    3.3. Different Attitudes to Private Space    9
    IV. Reasons for the Differences between Chinese and American Family Cultures    10
    4.1 Social and Cultural Factors    10
    4.1.1 The Filial Piety Culture in China    10
    4.1.2 The Filial Piety Culture in America    11
    4.2 Historical Background Factors    11
    4.3 Economic Factors    13
    V. Handling Methods to Family Culture Conflicts    14
    VI. Conclusion    15
    Bibliography    17
    Acknowledgements     18
    I. Introduction

     Nowadays, with the development of the policy of reformation and opening, the communication between people has become more and more frequently. Under this circumstance, some young men choose to move to another country to start their new life with their old generations. Therefore, the role of cross-cultural communication has been increasingly valued. Facing the differences between languages, customs and culture, how the old people deal with those inevitable problems in a completely strange surrounding. This paper will put the movie Pushing Hands as an example to explain the detail of Sino-US family cultural conflicts. Pushing Hands is a vivid description of the contrast between Chinese ideas of western relationships within a family and the much more informal Western emphasis on the inpidual. Facing with the contradiction between his father and wife, as the only bridge of communication, it is really hard for Alex (Xiaosheng) to conciliate family conflict caused by cultural shock, especially under the circumstance that Lao Zhu and Martha refuse to know each other. Through this movie, we see the distinction of Chinese and American family values and the contradiction existing in this blended culture family. Why Lao Zhu and Martha refuse to talk to each other peacefully? Why Alex can’t handle these problems? If we meet this situation, how can we deal with it?
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