    摘 要每一个民族都有自己创造的精神财富,也有独特历史、文化、科学、技术与宗教,有自己的生活方式、风俗习惯及道德观念等等。因此,不同的文化相互碰撞就产生了文化差异。这种差异在英语教学中起着很重要的作用,它对学生的词汇、阅读理解能力、翻译学习等有很深的影响。本文运用了分析法,对英语学习现状以及在学习西方文化时遇到的主要问题进行分析,并提出如何促进中学生应对文化差异的学习策略。本研究有助于中学生更加全面地认识文化差异在英语教学中的重要作用,从而进一步提高中学英语教学的质量。36447
    Abstract Every nation has its own spiritual wealth, unique history, culture, science, technology and religion, way of life, customs and morals, and so on. Different cultures collide with each other. Therefore, this kind of collision leads to cultural differences. The difference in English teaching plays a very important role. It has a very deep influence on student’s vocabulary, reading comprehension and translation study. This paper analyzes the current situation of middle school students’ English learning and the main problems in learning western culture, and puts forward learning strategies promoting high school students’ learning. This study helps students understand the importance of cultural differences in English teaching, so as to further improve the quality of middle school English teaching.
    Key words: cultural differences; English learning; influence
    The Influence of Cultural Differences on Middle School Students’ English Learning
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Differences Between Chinese and Western Culture    2
      2.1 Difference in Table Manners    2
      2.2Different spoken English in Daily Life    3
        2.2.1 Differences in Compliments and Compliment Responses    3
        2.2.2 The Difference Between Saying Goodbye    3
        2.2.3 Differences of Greeting Language    3
        2.2.4 Differences of Salutation    4
      2.3 Differences in Thinking Mode    5
        2.3.1 Circular and Liner Thinking    5
        2.3.2 Intuitive Experience Thinking and Logical Demonstration Thinking    5
    III. The Influence of Cultural Differences on Middle School Students’ English Learning    6
      3.1 Influence of Cultural Differences in Vocabulary    6
        3.1.1 Community Cultural Characteristics and Inpidual Cultural Characteristics    6
        3.1.2 The Difference of Taboo    7
        3.1.3 The Difference of Social Etiquette    9
      3.2 The Influence of Cultural Differences on Reading Comprehension    9
      3.3 The Influence of Cultural Differences on Translation    10
    IV. School Students’ Learning Strategies Dealing with Cultural Differences    12
      4.1 Ruling out the Interference of Mother Tongue on Reading Comprehension    12
      4.2 Creating Culture Situation    12
      4.3 Guiding Students to Read Widely    13
    V. Conclusion    14
    Bibliography    16
    Acknowledgements    17
    I. Introduction
        In recent years, with the progress and development of science and technology, and the change of people’s thought, and globalization of the world, human are facing a new international life exchange between people. Whether it is a commercial trade, or activities, even private communication opportunities, it is more convenient than before, and the bridge of the language set up. With the development of the society changes, Chinese and western countries has formed the different cultural customs. With the intimating relationship between language and culture, if students really want to understand English, they must master English communication. They only pay attention to use English form, while ignoring the cultural differences, this action will lead to improper language use, and misunderstanding. To solve this problem, English teaching should pay attention to train students in the use of English comprehension ability of cultural differences and enhance cross-cultural awareness in the process of students in learning English.
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