    摘 要母语迁移理论是指学习者的第一语言的使用习惯会直接影响第二语言的习得,并对其起到积极促进或消极干扰的作用。作为中国学习者,英语词汇的学习不可避免地会受到汉语的发音方式、认知方式和思文方式的影响。基于迁移理论,本文分别从正负迁移两方面探讨了汉语对英语词汇学习的影响,进而揭示了在英语词汇习得过程中,汉语对其的促进和干扰作用。旨在使中国学习者清楚地认识到中英两种语言在词汇层面的相似和差异之处,从而提高英语词汇的学习效率。36962
    Abstract  The theory of mother tongue transfer refers to that the habit of the first language will directly influence the acquisition of the second language, and play its positive and negative functions. As a Chinese learner, English vocabulary learning is inevitably influenced by the Chinese ways of pronunciation, cognitive styles and thought patterns. Based on the language transfer theory, this paper will analyze the influences of Chinese on English vocabulary learning from the positive and negative transfer respectively, and reveal the positive and negative effects of Chinese in the process of English vocabulary acquisition. What this paper intends to convey is to make Chinese learners have a better understanding of English and Chinese languages in terms of similarities and differences at the lexical level, and improve the efficiency of English vocabulary learning.
    Key words: mother tongue transfer; vocabulary acquisition; positive and negative transfer
    On the Function of Mother Tongue Transfer in English Vocabulary Acquisition
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. The Theory of Mother Tongue Transfer    2
    2.1 The Definition of Language Transfer    2
    2.2 The Classification of Language Transfer    3
    2.2.1 Positive Transfer    4
    2.2.2 Negative Transfer    5
    2.3 Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis    5
    Ⅲ. The Positive Transfer of Mother Tongue and Its Influences on English Vocabulary Acquisition    7
    3.1 Positive Transfer of Phonetic    7
    3.2 Positive Transfer of Word Formation    8
    Ⅳ. The Negative Transfer of Mother Tongue and Its Influences on English Vocabulary Acquisition    9
    4.1 Negative Transfer of the Comprehension of the Meaning of English Words    9
    4.1.1 Connotative Meaning    9
    4.1.2 Social Meaning    10
    4.1.3 Affective Meaning    11
    4.1.4 Collocative Meaning    12
    4.2 Negative Transfer of Culture    12
    Ⅴ. Conclusion    14
    Bibliography    16
    Acknowledgments    17
    I. Introduction

    The term “transfer” is first defined by behavioral psychologists to refer to the process of automatic, uncontrolled and subconscious use of past learned behavior in the attempt to produce new responses. According to them, the main impediment to learning was interference from the prior knowledge. Psychologists use the term to refer to the influences imposed by a learner’s possessed linguistic knowledge and skills upon the subsequent learning of new linguistic knowledge or skills.
    The English linguist D. A. Wilkins said that, “Without grammar, very little can be conveyed; without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed” (111). Vocabulary as the foundation of language learning plays an important role in second language acquisition. And the improvement of language competence depends on the acquired vocabulary. Thus, the learning of vocabulary, which occupies a very basis and important position in language learning, can be viewed as the core of English learning.
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