    Abstract Metadiscourse is a widely used term in current discourse analysis and language education, referring to an interesting, and relatively new, approach to conceptualizing interactions between text producers and their texts and between text producers and users. Essentially metadiscourse embodies the idea that communication is more than just the exchange of information, goods or services, but also involves the personalities, attitudes and assumptions of those who are communicating.
    This contrastive study aims to probe whether the evolution of metadiscourse exists or not. For this purpose, two well-known TV programs in the United States, the Big Bang Theory and Growing Pains are chosen respectively. Based on an analysis of 6 episodes of 2 dramas ( 3 from each sitcoms) comprising 10006 words, the research intends to present how American people employ metadiscourse in their daily life and identify the similarities and differences of the use of metadiscourse in the Big Bang Theory and Growing Pains which have an interval of twenty-two years.
    This study suggests that there’s more interactional metadiscourse in both Growing Pains and the Big Bang Theory because of the feature of the modern American sitcoms: The oral communication of daily life is casual and people focus on expressing their attitudes and thoughts. As to the different use of the metadiscourse, it is likely to find that Growing Pains and the Big Bang Theory have distinct emphasis. The differences of metadiscourse in the two well-known sitcoms are in fact a subtle reflection of some differences during the 22 years.
    Key Words:  metadiscourse; similarities and differences; sitcoms
    关键词: 元话语; 异同; 情景剧

    1 Introduction    1

    2 Metadiscourse    3
    2.1 Definitions and Issues    3
    2.2 Classifications of Metadiscourse    5
    2.3 Hyland and Tse’ s Model    6

    3 Metadiscourse in Oral Communication and Historical Evolution    8
    3.1 Features of Metadiscourse in Oral communication    8
    3.2 Historical Evolution    9

    4 Introduction to the Corpus    11
    4.1 Corpus Illustration    11
    5 Contrast and Analysis of the Data    13
    5.1 Interactive Resources    14
    5.2 Interactional Resources    17
    6 Conclusion    20
    1 Introduction
    Since Zelling Harris coined the term metadiscourse first in 1959, it has gained increasing interest in various research fields in recent years as a relatively new concept in discourse analysis. A lot of scholars from all over the world have been working on the research of metadiscourse from various perspectives: rhetoric, semiotics, philosophy, speech communication, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics and other perspectives. Nowadays, the most acceptable description of metadiscourse is that metadiscourse does not add the propositional meaning to the content, but show the writer’s views and attitude towards the discourse and readers, and it also helps to guide and direct the readers to organize, interpret, evaluate and react to the propositional content.
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