    Abstract Jane Austen is one of the greatest realistic novelists in English literature in the19th century. During the forty-two years of her life, Austen had completed six novels and left behind three fragments. Sense and Sensibility, the first novel of Austen is a good representation. In the novel, Austen vividly revealed the class relationships, social customs and social morals of her time by meticulously and humorously depicting the life of the rural gentry at that time. The title Sense and Sensibility is a pair of antonym, so the wax and wane of the two opposing forces is the main writing characteristics of the novel. However, Austen does not simply emphasize the opposition; she also uses the integrity and harmony to support the whole frame and development. It is the two co-existing forces interweaving together to compose the conflict and the final harmony.
    This thesis will mainly discuss the two opposing aspects from the following angles: the opposition and harmony of the main characters’ personalities, opposition and harmony of Sense and Sensibility reflected in Austen’s views for love, the reason of Austen’s application of the schema, eventually introduction of her creative writing skill and family background as well as the social environment. Then comes to the background of society and culture at Austen’s time, which contributes to this phenomenon. At last, it is concluded that Austen’s perspective is still applied to the modern life, especially to marriage. More than that, to balance between sense and sensibility and to guide sensibility by sense are worth learning.6355
    KEY WORDS: sense and sensibility, view on love, opposition, harmony
    摘要 简奥斯丁是十九世纪英国文学史上最伟大的现实主义小说家之一。在短短四十二年的平静生活中,奥斯丁共创作出了优尔部小说和三个未完成的故事片段。《理智与情感》是奥斯丁的第一部小说,也是她的代表作。在这部小说中,她用细致而略带幽默讽刺的笔触描写了她那个时代的中产阶级的生活,生动逼真地反映了当时的阶级关系、风俗习惯和社会伦理。《理智与情感》小说的标题就是一对反义词,所以此消彼长的对立力量是这部小说的写作特色。但作者不仅仅强调其中的对立,也有融合协调的成分支撑着故事的框架和发展。正是这两股力量交织在一起,构成了小说中的冲突和最后的和谐。
    本论文通过对女主人公的性格分析,讨论人物之间性格的对立与协调和人物自身性格的对立与协调,重点阐释作者爱情观中理智与情感的对立与协调,并指出作者运用对立与统一这种写作思文的原因。然后文章论述了奥斯丁所处时代的社会和文化背景,它是促成这一特点的原因。最后文章指出奥斯丁的观点特别是婚姻观同样适用于现代生活。更值得我们学习的是, 我们应该寻求理智与情感的平衡,用理智来指导情感。
    关键词: 理智与情感,爱情观,对立,统一
    Acknowledgements.    i
    Abstract    ii
    摘要.    iii

    1 Introduction.    1

    2 Austen’s View on Love Reflected on Elinor and Marianne’s Personality..    3
    2.1 The Analysis of Elinor’s Personality.    3
    2.2 The Analysis of Marianne’s Personality    5

    3 The Opposition of Austen’s View on Love.     7
    3.1 Supporting for Sense and Opposing to Romanticism..    7
    3.2 Pursuing True Love and Opposing to Sense in Traditional Marriage    8

    4 The Harmony of Austen’s View on Love ..     10
    4.1 True Love Being Confined to Society.    10
    4.2 The Perfect Way to Obtain Happiness—Sensibility Guided by Sense..    11
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