
    Now, it appears some disputes between the translation scholars. During their translation study, gradually two parties that have opposite views on this matter. One side supports domestication. Domestication is a target language strategy and designs to domesticate cultural features in the source text. Eugene Dida is a scholar that represents the domestication. Lawrene Venuti, American scholar support using the foreignization. It is a translation strategy that emphasis on source language. Two parties have their grounds to sustain their opinions and the two parties never give in.
    Choosing foreignization or domestication in translation is an intricate problem. It involves lots of spheres of translation study, from the primary aspects for example translation, culture, to the minor fields like the four elements that affect the translator’s choice of translation strategies: intention of the author, readership, purpose of translation, and the styles of the texts. This passage tries to make a comparative discuss of the two strategies in translation and attempts to provide feasible advice on translation.

    II. A Brief Overview of Domestication and Foreignization

    2.1 The Definition of Domestication
     Domestication is an important strategy to deal with the cultural differences in translation. Lawrence Venuti first came up with the definition domestication and foreignization(Lawrence66). Domestication is a translation strategy in order to low the strangeness of the passage for the target readers. Domestication is an ethnocentric reduction of the foreign text to the target-language cultural values, bring the author back home.
    Mark schutteworth and Moire cowire modify the ventui’s definition. They define the domestication as “a term to describe the translation strategy in order to low the strangeness of the passage for the TF readers”(Mark88). It attempts to eliminate the cultural differences of original passage and adapt them to the conventions of the target culture. The domestication strategy makes the target readers familiar with the passages and promotes friendly communication. It also can avoid communication gaps and conflicts of different nations.
    While, during his study on translation, venutil thinks that domestication has negatives aspects. It can lose the taste of the original text and do not convey the identical meaning of the author. Under the cultural background, ventuil shows that adopting of domestication is originated from the inequality between cultures and specialty of main culture. From his views, when the works of weak cultures are translated into strong cultures, the passage, culture will go through adaptation. So the domestication can accord with the flavor of the target readers of the strong cultures. Therefore, except from working as promoting communication, domestication can also be treated as a strategy that strong achieve their task of copying weak cultures and keep their superiority.
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