
    The paper can be pided into five parts. The first part gives a introduction about Jane Austin’s status in literature and her novels and discussing Persuasion from feminist viewpoint and the structure of paper. The second part introduces Jane Austin and Persuasion. The third part discusses feminist views and Austin’s feminist viewpoints that was reflected in this novel. The fourth part analyses the main female characters and discusses different feminist viewpoints that they have reflected. The last part has a conclusion about female consciousness in the work that female images have been embodied and from the perspective of feminist discusses woman’s rights and social significance.

    II. Jane Austin and Persuasion

    2.1 About Jane Austin
        Jane Austin is a famous British female novelist. She depicts a small world around her with female’s unique nuanced observation and lively and humorous words. Austin has written main six novels and they are Sense and Sensibility (1811) , Pride and Prejudice (1813) , Mansfield Park (1814) , Emma (1815) , Northanger Abbey  (1818) and Persuasion (1818) . Austin never gets married. By living in a small country town, she can meet the middle and small landlords and the priest and live a quiet and comfortable environment, so her works has no major social contradictions. She depicts the small world around her with her feminine meticulous observation, especially marriage and love among ladies and gentlemen. Her works style is free and humorous, being full of comic conflicts, and her novels are welcomed by readers.
        Jane Austin was born in a priest family in Hampshire and lived a peaceful, prosperous rural life. She has eight brothers and sisters and Austin was the sixth. She has never been to school, he was sent to the sister’s school for reading at the age of nine years old. Her sister Cassandra was her lifelong best friend, however, Austin’s enlightenment education was to her father. Austin is fond of reading and writing, she began to write for pleasure at her eleven years old. Austin and her family moved many times. In 1817, Austin had been sick, the family moved again for convenient. However, more than two months in Manchester after she died, she was buried in Winchester Cathedral. Jane Austin never married in her life.
        Jane Austin is the first to describe real daily life of ordinary people in the novel. Her work reflects the British middle class life and shows the possibility of family literature. She has explored the heroine from love to marriage in the process of self discovery. This focus on the analysis of the characters between the heroine and society, so that her novels is close to the modern life from the traditional eighteenth Century.  Her novels can attract the readers with her wit and humor, her realism and compassion, her elegant prose and ingenious structure of the story. Her status in English literature becomes more and more important with time’s change.
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