    Abstract With the deepening of the reform and opening up, the relationship between China and the world is becoming more and more close. As a communicative subject, the status of English is more and more important. Although the English teaching has made great achievements, it is still faced with severe ordeal. This paper mainly through the study on the English teaching of the primary and secondary school in our country worked out the causes of problems and put forward coping strategies. According to the research, the causes of the status quo are various, so some strategies should be formulated. Hopefully this paper can cause people to think deeply about the status quo of English teaching and contribute to the improvement of English teaching of primary and secondary schools.
    Key words: primary and secondary school; English teaching; status; strategies
    On the Status of English Teaching in Primary and Secondary Schools and Strategies for Improvement
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    Ⅰ.Introduction    1
    Ⅱ. The Main Problems Exist in the English Teaching     2
    2.1 Less Teaching Time    2
    2.2 The Teaching Concept of Teachers is Obsolete    2
    2.3 A Single Boring Form of Teaching    3
    2.4 The Single Form of Evaluation    3
    2.5 Poor Language Environments    4
    2.6 A Larger Gap Between in the Teaching Goal and the Curriculum Standard    4
    Ⅲ.Strategies for the Improvement of English Teaching    5
    3.1 The Curriculum of High Frequency    5
    3.2 Teachers should Change Their Teaching Ideas    6
    3.3 Increased Levels of Teacher Training    6
    3.4 Improvement of Evaluation Methods    7
    3.5 Optimize the Environment of Teaching and Learning    8
    3.6 Improvement of Teaching Methods and Encourage Autonomous Learning    10
    IV. Comparisons between Chinese and American English Teaching    11
    4.1 The Differences between China and the United States    11
    4.2 Methods Learned from the Foreign Language Teaching Mode    12
    V. Conclusions    12
    Bibliography    14
    Acknowledgements    15
    I. Introduction

    With the deepening reform and opening up, English becomes an important communication tool for people to learn and work, its status is increasingly important. To Learn English is not only meet international demand, more importantly, for the sake of our own knowledge expansion. In order to adapt to the new situation, all levels of various types of primary and secondary schools in our country generally have the English courses, so the students from kids can contact and understand the language. There will be a great help for students to grasp and improve their English expressions and communication ability in the future. However, due to the effects of the Senior Entrance Exam and the College entrance examination; teachers unilaterally pursue test scores and ignore to find and to develop the interests of students. Due to lacks of trust and encouragement of teachers, students have less interesting in English learning. All of these are not conducive to the development of the students. The author had a communication with parts of middle and primary school English teachers, and had a deep survey for parts of primary and middle school students’ English learning situation. The survey data indicates that the English teaching at current compulsory education stage is not optimistic and more problems are needed to improve. In our teaching, we also found that many students couldn’t fluently express their views and feelings in English, so it seriously impact on the development of students’ English comprehensive ability. In order to cause the attention of English teachers, the following article tries to analyze some common problems and explains some directions of improvement. The suggestions will help lay the foundation for the further study of students and improve the students’ ability in listening, speaking, reading and writing. So that students can use knowledge to practice and achieve the purpose of their major.
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