    摘 要基督教是西方世界最有影响力的宗教,而《圣经》经常被称作“西方之书”是西方文化中一个极其重要的部分,无论是著作内容还是写作方法《圣经》对西方文化的影响都极为深刻。通过研究不同版本及译本的《圣经》,本文详细解读了《圣经》对西方文化的重要影响。在西方世界,《圣经》在西方思想中的印记难以磨灭。而且,其教条思想逐渐演变为西方思想文化的基石。其影响囊括人们生活的方方面面,包括习俗,节假日,法律,政治,文学艺术等。因此,在当今世界全球化背景之下,进行有关《圣经》的研究将有利于增进中西方文化之间的交流,并为人们的交流与合作建设友好的桥梁。39485
    Abstract Christianity is the most influential religion in the western world. And the Holy Bible, always labeled as the “Western book”, plays a significant part in the western culture. The Bible has influenced western culture widely and deeply, both on the content and the writing techniques. Based on the study of its different versions and translations, this thesis analyzes and concludes its influence on western culture. In western countries, The Bible’s imprint on western thoughts remains indelible. Its religious doctrine and idea gradually turned into the foundation stone of western culture and idea. Its influence covers all aspects of people’s life: customs, festivals, laws, politics, literature, arts and so on. Therefore, under the background of globalization, the relevant researches on The Bible would help to improve the communications between the East and the West, and would build up a bridge for the people to contact and cooperate around the world.
    Key words: The Bible; western culture; the influence; human life

    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    Ⅰ. Introduction    1
    Ⅱ. A General Study of The Bible    1
    2.1 The Creation Background    1
    2.2 Different Versions and Translations    2
    2.3 The Constitution of The Bible    3
    Ⅲ. The Influence of The Bible on Human Life    4
    3.1 On Ceremony    4
        3.1.1 Wedding Ceremony    5
        3.1.2 Burial Ceremony    6
    3.2 On Festival    7
        3.2.1 On Sunday    7
        3.2.2 On Christmas    8
        3.2.3 On Easter    10
    3.3 On Daily Life    10
        3.3.1 On Names    11
        3.3.2 On Laws    11
    3.4 The Influence of The Bible on American Politics    11
    Ⅳ. Conclusion    12
    Bibliography    14
    Acknowledgements    15
    The Influence of The Bible on Human Life in the West


    In the western world, Christianity plays a major role in religion. With the wide spread of the world, Christianity makes a great influence on human life. The Bible is a book which experience more than 1600 years and finished by more than 40 authors. the book consist of The old Testament and The New Testament. No matter the content or writing method, The Bible makes a difference on people’s daily life and English culture deeply. Its mighty power has affected every walks of human life, whose content could offer a variety of topics for poets, artists and musicians. The Holy Bible has always been of great importance in the moral progress of the human race. Let us consider some examples of The Bible’s influence as displayed in the various realms of people enterprise. This essay mainly talk about the influence of The Bible on the human life from several aspects.
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