    Abstract With the changing concepts of consumption, as a prosperous industry, coffeeshops have been developing rapidly. While many large-scale coffee enterprises gainthe growing awareness of their brands, many small-scale coffee shops also gaincertain developments. However, small-scale coffee shops often receive mixed judges.Meanwhile, competition are getting fierce with the sharp increase in the number ofcoffee stores. Therefore, the correct understanding of consumers’ psychology and theimprovement of customer satisfaction is very important.This paper takes Corner Coffee as the subject for the study. Because of thepositive correlation between customer satisfaction and business benefits, this papertries to provide some useful suggestions for Corner Coffee based on the presentsituation of Corner Coffee.Guided by ACSI, questionnaires are designed and distributed. Meanwhile,structure variables are refined in accordance with the characteristics of Corner Coffee,among which perceived value is refined into the quality of perceived value,environment of perceived value, service of perceived value. This paper carries out twoquestionnaires, and statistics are analyzed by the use of SPSS19.0 and Excel 2007software. According to the statistics, conclusions are drawn from the analysis. usefulsuggestions for improving customer satisfaction of Corner Coffee are put forward.41971
    KeyWords: Corner Coffee Customer Satisfaction ACSI 
    摘要随着人们消费观念的改变,咖啡店作为一个热门行业,得到了迅速发展与热烈的欢迎。在大型咖啡企业品牌知名度提升的同时,各类小型咖啡店也得到了一定的发展。然而,小型咖啡店往往有着具有褒贬不一的特点。此外,随着咖啡店数量的急剧增加,竞争越来越激烈。因此,正确把握顾客消费心理,提高顾客满意度显得尤为重要。本文选择街角咖啡为研究对象, 考虑到客户的满意度与效益之间的正相关关系。本文基于对街角咖啡的实际情况,试图通过顾客满意度的研究,为街角咖啡提出相关建议。本文基于美国顾客满意度理论(ACSI)进行了问卷设计。并且,针对街角咖啡这一研究对象的特点细化了结构变量,其中将感知价值细化为:感知质量价值,感知环境价值, 感知服务价值。 并通过二次问卷, 在借助SPSS19.0 和Excel 2007相关软件进行数据分析并得出研究结论。对街角咖啡顾客满意度的提升提出建议。
    毕业论文关键词:街角咖啡 顾客满意度 美国满意度模型


    Abstract.. iv


    Chapter One Introduction1

    1.2 Significance and purpose1

    1.2 Significance and purpose3

    1.3 Methodology. 4

    Chapter Two Literature Review9

    2.1 Customer Satisfaction.. 9

    2.2 IndexModel of Customer Satisfaction 10

    2.1 Previous Researches on Customer Satisfaction.13

    Chapter Three Research of Questionnaires.. 14

    3.1 Design of the First Questionnaire.. 14

    3.2 Determination of Obeserved Variables..17

    3.3 Design of the Second Questionnaire 20

    Chapter Four Data & Analysis.24

    4.1 The data of the questionnaire..24

    4.2 Data Analysis Based on ACSI and Interview.26

    4.3 Suggestions..27

    Chapter Five Conclusion.27


    Appendix I39

    Appendix II..41
    A Study of Customer Satisfaction of Corner CoffeeChapter One Introduction1.1 Research BackgroundWith the fast changing concepts of consumption and lifestyle, people are in needof more colorful and persity way of recreation. Coffee shop, as a prosperousindustry, is well received. Because of its popularity, a growing number of coffeeshops are springing up.Corner Coffee, among these coffee shops, has a stable operating for 5 years. Inthe period of its operating, about five coffee shops are established. Since the more andmore coffee shops spring up one by one, the fierce competition is inevitable.Therefore, how to have a standing among all these shops has become an importantissue for Corner Coffee.

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