Chapter One Introduction..1
Chapter Two Literature Review..4
2.1 Theoretical Framework of Network Consumer Behavior..4
2.1.1 Theory of Planned Behavior..4
2.1.2 Technology Acceptance Model5
2.1.3 Diffusion of Innovations.5
2.1.4 Risk Perception.6
2.2 Studies on Network Consumer Behavior6
2.3 Studies on University Students’ Network Consumer Behavior..8
Chapter Three Methodology..10
3.1 Research Questions.10
3.2 Participants.10
3.3 Instrument.11
Chapter Four Results and Discussion12
4.1 Factors Influencing Female College Students’ Online Consumption of
4.1.1 Inpidual Factors.12
4.1.2Website Factors.16
4.1.3 Online Shop Factors.18
4.2 Other Factors Affecting the Behavior of Female Col lege Students ’
Online Consumption of Cosmetics22
Chapter Five Conclusion.23
Study on the Influential Factors of Female College Students’OnlineConsumption of CosmeticsChapter One IntroductionWith the vigorous development of the network technology and the changes inpeople’s consumptive conception, network economy has developed rapidly in recentyears. China's Internet economy has accounted for 4.4% of GDP, more than that of theUnited States and Germany. According to Statistical Report on Internet Developmentin China in January, 2016, as of December 2015, China had 688million Internet users,with a yearly increase of 39.51 million. The Internet penetration rate reached 50.3%,up 2.4 percentage points from the end of 2014. Besides, China had 110 million usersof online education, accounting for 16.0% of the total netizens; 152 million users ofonline medical services, 22.1%; 96.64 million who booked a cab and 21.65 millionwho hired a private car via the Internet. With its advantages of convenience andefficiency, network economy quickly seizes the physical consumer markets, andgreatly stimulates domestic consumption. People's consumption is not limited by time,place, regional restrictions, which makes people's life more convenient. At thebeginning of 2016, turnover of Alibaba, a retail e-commerce platform has kept upwith the world's largest retailer- WAL-MART and accounted for 10% of China's totalretail sales of consumer goods. Public Opinion Research Center of Shanghai JiaoTong University released Report on Chinese College Students' Consumer Behaviorand Brand Awareness in 2015, which pointed that more than 80 percent of the students choose the network as their shopping channel. As young people, collegestudents are more ready to accept the new things and they have become one of theconsumer targets of network consumption.
They dare to try new things and pursuefashion, making them different from other groups. When these students will graduateand get into the society, they will be the main force in the network consumption.Since the soaring of network economy, various studies on online consumerbehavior had been conducted. Some studies focused on customer loyalty,consumption behavior characteristics and the influential factors of the behavior ofonline consumption. Some researchers analyzed the behavior of college students’online consumption including the current situation, problems and factors. Thesestudies had provided a relatively rich knowledge about online consumption. However,college students’ online consumption have received few attention. Therefore, thisstudy intended to investigate the factors that determine female college students’ onlineconsumption of cosmetics in the framework of consumption models. Questionnaireswere designed according to the consumption models and released to college studentsin Xuzhou City, northwest of Jiangsu Province.Data would be analyzed based on the questionnaires to explore the factors offemale college students’ consumption of cosmetics and suggestions would be given towebsites and online shops from the perspective of consumers. Online consumption,compared to traditional consumption, are more convenient, economic andinternational. College students, as a special consumer group, pursue novelty, fashionand any fresh occurence and are inclined to choose online consumption. This research would provide more data for the consumption models especiallyfor online consumption. Few studies tried to do questionnaires on such a large scale.Practically, with the development of network economy, Chinese businesses havecreated their own Carnival-Double Eleven, which has become ‘Chinese Consumers’Day’. On November 11, there is always the greatest consumption binge.
However,more problems have also arisen, such as fogged commodity, bad after-sale service,low fund security and so on. Once consumers lose their confidence in online economy,they will turn to other sources of consumption, which will hurt the benefits of onlineeconomy. Therefore, It is necessary to analyze the factors that influence their onlineconsumption and provide some practical data for the websites and online shops.The subsequent chapters of this thesis are organized as follows. Chapter 2establishes the theoretical framework for this study through reviewing the models ofnetwork consumption and summing up previous studies on network consumption andcollege students’ network consumption. Following the review of the literature ,Chapter 3 presents the method employed in the present study including the descriptionof research questions, subjects and instrument. The results of the research arediscussed in Chapter 4. Specifically, it presents an analysis and discussion of thefactors of female college students’ online consumption of cosmetics and givessuggestions. Chapter 5 concludes with the limitations of the study and a discussion onthe implication for further research.