
    Abstract This thesis, based on two English versions of Hong Lou Meng respectively by Yang Hsien-yi, Gladys Yang and David Hawkes, John Minford, is trying to use Relevance Theory to compare and explain different versions’ treatment of characters’ names and the advantages and disadvantages in transmitting cultural content. Through analysis and comparison, whether the Yangs or Hawkes, they all combine the transliteration with free translation to translate names. According to the maximal relevance and optimal relevance of Relevance Theory, some of the translations are successful for communicative effect, but there are still mistakes or improper translations.These improper translations cause the reading difficulties and misunderstandings of foreign readers, even the loss of cultural connotations. What’s more, the different focuses of two translators also reveal different relevance and different communicative effects. Yang’s version stresses the retention of Chinese culture and the export of Chinese literature while Hawkes’ version emphasizes the revelation of the implied meaning and the foreign readers’ cognitive ability and acceptance.43530

    Key Words: Translation     Hong Lou Meng     names     Relevance Theory     optimal relevance


    毕业论文关键词:翻译     红楼梦     人名     关联理论     最佳关联性


    Abstract i

    摘要 ii

    Chapter one Introduction 1

    1.1 Research Background 1

    1.2The Significance and Purpose of this Thesis 4

    Chapter Two Literature Review 6

    2.1The Studies on translation of Hong Lou Meng and Their Findings 6

    Chapter Three Relevance Theory 9

    3.1The Origin and Development of Relevance Theory 9

    3.2 The Definition of Relevance 9

    3.3Communication, Ostensive and Inferential Process and Two Principles 9

    3.4The Degree of Relevance 11

    3.5Gutt and Relevance Translation Theory 12

    Chapter Four Relevance Theory and Translation of Names in Hong Lou Meng 13

    4.1 Translations of Masters’ Names and Nicknames 16

    4.2 Translations of Servants’ Names and Nicknames 20

    4.3 Translations for Names of Religious People 27

    Chapter Five Conclusion

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