
    Abstract “Translation strategy” has been a hot topic in the study of translation in the recent years. Generally it can be pided into two categories: domestication and foreignization. In the process of translation, a translator can choose his translation strategy according to specific textual needs, readers and translation purposes. Besides, the choice of translation strategies will have direct effects on the style and intelligibility of the translation. The Border Town is a novella of a well-known Chinese writer Shen Congwen. It is set in a small town called Chatong located in the border of Sichuan Province and Hunan Province in the 1930s. It describes the typical local customs and culture of the western area of Hunan Province and tells the love story of a girl named Cui Cui who ferries people for a living. Yang Xianyi and Dai Naidie are not only a model couple but also world-famous translators whose perfect cooperation is considered as a legend in the field of translation. The Border Town is one of the works they translated together. 43531

    The main contents and innovative points of the thesis are listed as follows. First, I would like to briefly introduce the term “translation strategy ” and summarize the studies on translation strategy and the translation of The Border Town made by previous scholars. Second, I analyze what translation strategy the translators have mainly used by listing some representative examples in the translation, especially those containing Chinese traditional cultural elements. Third, I discuss the effects of the translation strategy. Fourth, I discuss the factors the translators take into consideration when choosing the translation strategy.

        All in all, the thesis analyzes the translation strategy used in The Border Town translated by Yang Xianyi and Dai Naidie and the effects of the translation strategy.

    Key Words: translation strategy     the Border Town     domestication      foreignization



    本文拟围绕杨宪益、戴乃迭的《边城》英译本The Border Town,分析译者所采取的翻译策略,以及此种翻译策略所达到的效果。

    毕业论文关键词:翻译策略     边城     归化     异化



    摘 要..iii


    Chapter One  Introduction..1

       1.1Research background1

       1.2 Purpose and significance of the research..1

       1.3 The organization of the thesis.3

    Chapter Two  Literature Review..4

    2.1 Studies on translation strategy abroad4

    2.2 Studies on translation strategy in China5

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