
    Abstract As the first literature work of Chinese Four Great Classical Novels, A dream of Red Mansions takes an outstanding place in Chinese literature history. Accurate translation of this book is an important approach to spread Chinese classical culture. Wang Xifeng is the most vivid, the most attractive and the most lifelike character in A dream of Red Mansions, and readers are very impressed by her complex personality and excellent language. Moreover, her personalized language plays an important role in shaping this lifelike image successfully.43533

    The previous studies on A dream of Red Mansions, related to this thesis, mainly analyze whether the translated text shows Wang Xifeng’s superb interpersonal ability and communication skill the same way as the original text from the perspective of communicative meaning. However, in this thesis, the writer tries to analyze the translated text from another perspective, which is; with the support of dynamic equivalence theory, to study and analyze the excellent translators’ translation methods and experience when they are translating character’s language and reshaping character’s image in order to learn and use for reference.

    In this paper, through the analysis of Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang’s English translation version of A Dream of Red Mansions, from the perspective of Eugene Nida’s dynamic equivalence, the writer tries to research the six scenes showing Wang Xifeng’s personality characteristics, to find whether the translated text of her language in these scenes is consistent with the image shaped in the original text, and draws a conclusion that this English version not only reshapes the image consistent with the original text, but also successfully shows the original text’s splendid skills in using language, portraying characters and describing plots. Thus, this thesis deepens readers’ understanding about the two translation masters’ translation strategies and methods in order to spread Chinese classical culture in a better way. 

    Key words: A dream of Red Mansions;     Wang Xifeng;     translation of character’s language;     dynamic equivalence

    摘 要《红楼梦》作为中国古代四大名著之首,在中国文学史上拥有杰出的地位,对其进行准确的翻译是传播中华古典文化的一个重要途径。王熙凤是其中最活跃生动、最具魅力、最生活化的人物,其复杂多面的性格和精彩妙绝的语言令读者印象深刻。其个性化语言更是在成功塑造这个鲜活的人物形象中起到了重要的作用。



    毕业论文关键词:《红楼梦》;    王熙风;     人物语言翻译;    动态对等


    Abstract i

    摘 要

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