
    Wang Xifeng is so different and impressive in A dream of Red Mansions mainly due to her personalized language. Her words are filled with life’s wisdom and well mirror her psychology, ideology, thinking patterns and values, which is “I prefer my doing injustice to others to their doing injustice to me” said by Cao Cao in Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

    1.3 Purpose and organization of the thesis

    From the above introduction, we can clearly see the importance of Wang Xifeng in A dream of Red Mansions. She is also one of the most shaped-successfully figures in this novel. Character’s personality can be shown directly through his or her speech, and therefore translating one character’s speech faithfully is important to the moulding of the figure and to the whole translation of the novel. And in this thesis, the writer’s purpose is to evaluate whether Wang Xifeng’s speech in Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang’s English version from the perspective of dynamic equivalence theory can bring target readers a vivid image of Wang Xifeng and to explore the reasons behind the success of her speech’s translation.

  1. 上一篇:《功夫熊猫2》字幕汉译中的功能对等理论
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