
    Acknowledgements  After months of hard working, finally, this thesis comes into being. During the process, I met a lot of difficulties, and felt confused of my ideas. Luckily, I had my teachers and students, who gave me constructive advice. Here, I want to express my sincere gratitude to all of them.43884

        First of all, I would like to extend my heartful gratitude to my supervisor, for his patience to my endless questions, for his constant encouragement and guidance, for his reasonable arrangement of our tasks, for his useful suggestion and suportive information on my thesis, without which I can hardly finish this thesis.    Second, I want to show my gratitute to the teachers in the thesis group, who gave me practical advice and encouragement during the defend of proposal. Meanwhile, our thesis teacher professorput up a lot of questions on my topic, which made me have a second thought and knew what I want to do in deed.

        High tribute shall be paid to all the scholars who have already studied this field to back up my ideas.

        Special thanks should give to my friends who encouraged me and gave me advice to work out the problems I encountered, and helped me edit.

        Lastly, my thanks would go to my beloved families for their loving consideration and confidence in me through all these years.Thank you!

    Application of Ekphrasis in the Teaching of English Writing


    With the penetration of globalization and the reformation of College Entrance Examination policy, English learning plays a more and more important role in people’s modern life---listening, speaking, reading, writing. English writing, especially, as the second way to express oneself, to communicate, takes up an significant part of students’ concern, and there are a great number of problems coming along, such as psychological blockage, intralingua error, which also attract relevant teachers and experts’ attention, regarded as the comprehensive ability of English using. This essay aims to analyse the current situation and existed studies of English writing, to find out the problems and come up with a reasonable way to solve them---ekphrasis. As a brand new way in teaching writing, it will change the stereotype of test-oriented writing, so as to cultivate students’ interest in English writing and improve their ability of observation, which in the long term, will benefit them in different kinds of writing.

    Key words: English teaching; writing; problems; solution; ekphrasis 



    毕业论文关键词:英语教学; 写作; 问题;解决方式; 艺格转换 


    1. Introduction 1

    2. English Writing 1

    2.1 Current Picture Writing Tasks in China 1

    2.2 The Importance of English Writing 2

    2.3 Recent Situation of English Writing in China

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  2. 下一篇:英文论文以目的论为视角看《彷徨》中叠词的翻译
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