1.2 Layout of the thesis1
2.A General Survey on Neologism2
2.1 Definition of Neologism2
2.2 Definition of China-featured Neologism.2
2.3 Causes of China-featured Neologism3
2.4 Origins of China-featured Neologism.5
3. Characteristics of China-featured Neologism.6
3.1 Linguistic Characteristics6
3.2 Social Characteristics7
3.3 Communication Characteristics8
4. China-featured Neologism8
4.1 Classification of China-featured Neologism.8
4.1.1 Political neologism and new expression8
4.1.2 Economical neologism and new expression.9
4.1.3 Scientific and technological neologism and new expression.9
4.1.4 Social phenomenal neologism and new expression10
4.2 Status Quo of China-featured Neologism11
4.2.1 Current Research Situation of Translation for China-featured Neologism .11
4.2.2 Problems in Translating China-featured Neologism.12
4.2.3 The reasons for causing the translating difficulties13
5.The influence of Cultural Differences between Chinese and English on the Translation of China-featured Neologism14
6.Strategies of Translating China-featured Neologism15
6.1 Literal Translation.15
6.2 Literal Translation with Explanation16
6.3 Free Translation18
6.4 Transliteration.18
6.5 Back-translation19
1.1 Significance of Studying Neologism Translation
Since reform and opening up, the changes of language are accelerating with the rapid development of society, economy, culture, science and technology. The growth rate of China-featured Neologism is faster than any previous period. However, the neologisms emerge in endlessly in contrast with the current situation of their translation. It will bring obstacles between the communication of our country and the world if the new words’ translation are unsatisfactory. Therefore, the translators have to translate the neologisms precisely which will show the beauty of our country’s language and make them more readable.
Nowadays, cross-cultural communication and exchanges become more frequent. It is very beneficial to achieve the inter-cultural communication and promotion of external countries. Meanwhile, the neologism is the characteristic of an era. Only when they can be understood by the world, can people make full use of it. Eventually, it will enhance the development of our society.
1.2 Layout of the thesis
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the characteristics of China-featured neologism, main sources, classification and its translation skills. It is pided into six parts. The first part will introduce the significance of translation of China-featured neologism; the second part is a general survey on neologism including the definition of neologism and China-featured neologism, cause of neologism, main sources of China-featured neologism, and the tendency of the development of China-featured neologism; the third part specifies the classification of China-featured neologism and the tendency of the development of China-featured Neologism; the fourth part reveals the characteristics of China-featured Neologism; the fifth part indicates the influence of cultural differences between Chinese and English on the translation of China-featured Neologism and the last part presents four kinds of translation skill in translating neologisms.
2.A General Survey on Neologism
2.1 Definition of Neologism
Neologism, referring to the newly created words, is likely to be integrated into daily use.
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