    关键词 : 道家  自然   魏晋玄学  浪漫主义  心灵
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title   A comparative study between William Wordsworth and Ruanji     
    WilliamWordsworth, a great Romantic poet, refreshed from the nature and portrayed his feeling about the nature in his poem. RuanJi , a Chinese philosopher in the Wei dynasty , also found strength in the nature. Nature provides people great strength and refreshes people's spirit. This paper tries to find the meaning of "nature" in the eye of Wordsworth and RuanJi, and discovers what they see from the nature. Their points about nature are important to the spiritual life of modern people and provide ways to refresh modern people from their sufferings.
    Keywords   Taoism   Romanticism    Metaphysics of Weijin period   Soul
    Table of Contents

    1 Introduction .2
    2 The Life and Social Backgroud of RuanJi and William Wordsworth3
    2.1 Ruanji .3
    2.2 William Wordsworth: an Age of Great Turbulence5
    2.2.1 Life Experience5
    2.2.2 Experience in France ..8
    2.3 Comparison between Ruanji and William Wordsworth’s Life..11
    3 Reestablishment of Spiritual Power in the Nature.11
    3.1 Meaning of Nature in Western and Chinese History and its Development..12
    3.2 Wordsworth’s Interpretation of Nature15
    3.3 Nature in Ruanji..16
    4 Their Different Concept about the Nature.18
    4.1 Ruanji ---from Confucianism to Taoism 18
    4.2 William Wordsworth ---from Turbulence to the Nature.19
    Conclusion 19
    1 Introduction
    In this essay, I tried to find Ruanji and William Wordsworth's different concept about nature. In order to understand the meaning of their poem, it is necessary for us to know their life and social background, so as to understand the changing of their thoughts.
    In the long history of English literature, William Wordsworth (1770-1850) is generally regarded as a great nature poet who enjoyed and worshipped the beauty of nature and led a quiet and reclusive life in the countryside. Many of his poems are about nature and simple rustic life. This study tries to make the comparison between Wordsworth and Ruanji. Ruanji was the famous poet and philosopher in Jin dynasty. He was one of the famous Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove. His idea about the nature was important to Weijin metaphysics.

    Both William Wordsworth and Ruan Ji suffered from family misfortune in their childhood, and experienced social turbulences, which caused extensive meditations in their mind. Ruanji and William Wordsworth had great dreams when they were young. They aimed to do something for the people. However, both of them got totally disappointed at the corrupt politics and vicious social surroundings. Their thoughts transformed from caring humanity to seek stability in the nature. Nature refreshed their minds.
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