
    Thus, this study has its theoretical significance. It shows some important points of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. As Maslow said that people all have needs from the lower to the higher and have the tendency to develop towards self-actualization. At the same time, at the different stages of people’s growth, they have different needs to be satisfied. For example, Sara has different needs at different stages of her growth, and dominated by her needs, she struggles with the hard environment and strives to achieve her needs. Eventually Sara’s inner world is changed greatly and she becomes stronger psychologically and realizes self-actualization. From this thesis, we can also draw a conclusion that Maslow’s theory is a very important and practical theory to analyze human’s psychology, motivation and self-actualization. 

    This study also has some realistic significance. From the thesis, we can know that the Sara is a very warmhearted, self-disciplined and strong-minded girl who remains all her qualities even during her hardest period of life. Stimulated by her needs, she becomes more persistent and braver to realize her dreams and her own value and finally she achieves self-actualization. Her journey towards self-actualization and becoming a real princess in many people’s eyes should be praised and learned by people in today’s world.

  1. 上一篇:合作学习在初中英语课堂的应用
  2. 下一篇:母语负迁移对大学生英语写作的影响
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