
    A Study on New Color Words from the Perspectives of Cognitive Metaphor and Metonymy Abstract  Color is a natural phenomenon that is closely linked with human life. Since early times, studies on color words have been done at home and abroad. As time goes by, color words have been broadened to a large category with more and more new characteristics. Recently, the so-called New Color Words (NCWs), such as “naughty orange”, “passion blue”, “优雅紫(elegant purple)” and “胜利红(successful red)”, enjoy great popularity, especially in commercial industries like electronics, cosmetics, clothes and so on. Compared with traditional color words (TCWs), NCWs have more emotional characteristics as well as many rich and abstract meanings. 47123

    This study analyzes the most representative new color words from the Internet, TV and other resource as our linguistic data. In Chinese NCWs, it mainly studies NCWs that have three Chinese characters. There is no doubt that NCWs become a popular topic for lots of researches from different perspectives. With the rapid development of cognitive linguistics, it is of great significance to do studies based on cognitive theories. Thus, this essay aims to study on NCWs from the perspectives of cognitive metaphor and metonymy. It also presents a semantic analysis of NCWs both in Chinese and English to explain its structure and characteristics, origin, background as well as the classification and functions. Besides, the survey on the use of NCWs states the frequency and popularity as well as the necessity and limitation.

    On the basis of the analysis, this thesis provides five types of NCWs: Noun+Basic color words, adjective+basic color words, verb+basic color words, loanword+basic color terms and “zero color” color words. Compared with traditional color words (TCWs), NCWs have three obvious characteristics: randomness in word collocation, subjectivity in word’s meaning and originality in word’s expression. According to the semantic aspect, NCWs can be classified into two types: new realistic-type and freehand-type color words. The function of NCWs is embodied in commercial, literatural, artistic and emotional aspects. From the analysis of NCWs from the perspectives of cognitive metaphor and metonymy, it is found that generally metaphor exists in new freehand-type color words while metonymy new realistic-type color words. And in some NCWs, both metaphor and metonymy exist. 

    Through the survey on the use of NCWs, the thesis points out the universality of NCWs in commercial areas. The use of NCWs benefits people a lot. However, NCWs tend to be arbitrary and fuzzy, which cause troubles and misunderstandings in daily life. Thus, it is significant to take action to standardize the naming of NCWs. Those of great arbitrariness and fuzziness should be gradually eliminated. Only in this way, the development of NCWs can have a bright future. 

    Key words: TCWs; NCWs; metaphor; metonymy; semantic; necessity; limitation


    摘要颜色,一种无处不在的自然现象,和人类的生活紧密相连。纵观国内外,对颜色的研究历史可谓是源远流长。随着时间的推进,科技迅猛发展,社会不断进步,人类思想更新,颜色词也在发生着变化,越来越多的新鲜血液注入其中,焕发出全新的面貌。近年来,一类新兴颜色词成为热门,例如“naughty orange”、“passion blue”、“优雅紫”、“胜利红”等。新兴颜色词受到大众追捧,成为商业领域的宠儿,广泛用于数码产品、化妆品、服装等产业。相较于传统颜色词,新兴颜色词褪去单调,在传递颜色之余,被赋予人类情感色彩,使其表达出的意思更加丰富抽象,让人浮想联翩。


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