
    A study on MOOC Learning Continuance from Instructors’ and Learners’ perspectives Abstract   The adoption of massive open online courses (MOOCs) by celebrated universities worldwide has generated discussion about the future of education. This paper reviews motivations and challenges of instructors’ and students’ use of MOOCs and focuses on discussing one important issue that has yet to be fully addressed -- effectiveness of MOOC education for the completion rates of MOOC is relatively low. The objective of this study is to identify factors that affect inpiduals’ continuous participation using MOOCs from learners’ and instructor’ perspectives, which a limited amount of research has previously explored. A survey and semi-structured interviews were conducted to examine students’ views of course structure and teaching methods, the role of the instructors in the MOOC, and learners’ degree of satisfaction with instructional design quality of the course as well as users’ experience. Study shows that for learners, the accumulation of prior knowledge in the course, self-efficacy and self-regulation as well as cooperative learning environment contribute to learners’ continuous participation in the course. For instructors, instructional design quality, teaching methods and the qualified completion of multiple roles determine the value and effectiveness of a MOOC course, which affects the students’ continuity of participation. This paper goes further to offer suggestions for improving MOOC courses in the hope of developing better MOOCS courses and increasing students’ participation rates in the future. 47311

    Keywords: MOOC; online learning; motivations; challenges; effectiveness; continuance


    摘要全世界有名望的大学纷纷采用大型开放式网络课程(慕课)教学模式,这在学术界引发了关于教育未来发展的讨论。本文回顾了现有相关文献关于讲师和学习者使用慕课的动机及挑战的研究,集中讨论了尚未解决的重要问题——由低课程完成率导致的慕课教育的低效性。 此篇文章旨在从指导者和学习者的角度研究影响个体学习者持续使用慕课的因素,作者针对学生对慕课课程设置,教学方法,指导者的角色以及对课程设计质量满意度和使用中的感受进行了网上问卷调查及访问。研究表明对学习者来说,先备知识的积累,自我管理约束力以及在合作学习中的参与度影响其课程的持续完成;对于指导者来说,其课程设计质量,教学方法和多种角色的称职扮演能吸引学生坚持完成课程。基于研究结果,作者近一步提出了对慕课教与学的建议,望能对今后完善慕课课程有所启示,提高学生的持续参与度。



    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    2.1. Background information of MOOCs 2

    2.2. MOOCs in China 2

    2.3. Motivations 3

    2.3.1. Learners’ perspective 3

    2.3.2. Instructors’ perspective 4

    2.4. Ineffectiveness and discontinuity of learning 4

    3. Research Methodology 5

    3.1. Questinaire Design 5

    3.2. Participants 6

    3.3. Analysis method 7

    4. Results and discussion 8

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