
    2.4.1 primary schools 6

    2.4.2 middle schools and high schools 7

    2.4.3 universities and colleges 7

    2.5 Bilingual Education in Hangzhou Normal University 7

    3. Research and Results 9

    3.1Methodology 9

    3.2 Surveys in Chemistry School and Medicine School 9

    3.3Basic Information about the Participants 9

    3.4 Comparison of the Results and Objectives 10

    3.4.1Englishproficiency 10

    3.4.2Curriculum Designs 10

    3.4.3Teaching Materials 11

    3.4.4Teachers’ Training 12

    3.4.5 proportion of teaching language 12

    3.5 Diversities and Problem 13

    4. Conclusion 15

    4.1 Significant Findings of this Research 15

    4.2 Practical Applications to the Bilingual Education 15

    4.3 Shortcoming of this Study 16

    4.4 Expectations and Suggestions for the Future Study on Bilingual Education 16

    5. Reference 17


    1. Introduction

    Bilingual education has been a heated topic in China for more than 50 years. Though time shorted, bilingual education has grown up so rapidly that it covered all levels of education over the country. But why is it so popular?

    1.1 background information of bilingual studies

    With the expand of world economy and politics, the society and government has realized the importance of developing people with both professional skills and a fluent second language (for most of the time, English), to keep up with the cutting edge of science and technology of the international. As the Information Age we are in now, knowing other people’s language is necessary for experts to exchange information. English, the most popular language in the world now, was taken as compulsory courses in primary and secondary schools. Therefore, the English-Chinese bilingual education was encouraged in the universities and colleges. 

    However, compared with other teaching methodologies, bilingual education was a burgeoning one with a history of only 200 years. Lacking of adequate experience and theory, it is facing many problems. Compared with research on English teaching and learning, empirical studies on English–Chinese bilingual education are far from adequate. Researches on English-Chinese bilingual educations can help teachers and educators figure out the best model and conditions for Chinese students and thus improve the quality of education to achieve the goal. 

    Some researches have already found out that people who are able to speak two languages or more have quicker response and mind than single language users. These results make more and more countries carry out bilingual education. As China is growing fast, the bilingual people, however, is not significant as other developing countries. In many international English tests such as TOEFL and IELTS, Chinese did not do as well as other non-English speaking participants. Researchers are working hard to find out the reasons and trying to build up a proper system that suits for Chinese teaching conditions. 

    1.2 research purposes and questions

    Chinese government had published documents to encourage bilingual education since 1949. Many progress and adjustments are reached during these 60 years. It has to say that great achievements have been made. The ultimate goal for all degrees education is same, but the way of teaching different degrees of students is different. For example, the specific teaching standard for primary school is definitely varies from the one in universities. Effective education involves many aspects, by long-term practices and insisting explorations can effective bilingual education been carried out. 

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