
    The Effects of Natural Scenes in Wuthering Heights Abstract The essay focuses mainly on natural scenes in Emily Brontë’s novel --- Wuthering Heights. As a great work of the 19th century England, Emily’s masterpiece Wuthering Heights was a story intertwining deep love with deep hate. There are a number of techniques used excellently in Wuthering Heights, including poetic language, exciting plots, and unique narrative framework, etc. Describing natural scenes, however, also contributes to the charm of this novel. Undoubtedly, natural scenes play a vital role in creating impressive characters, perse atmospheres and exciting plots, thus help to develop the theme of the novel. 47771

    Key words: Emily Brontë; Wuthering Heights; natural scenes


    摘   要本文的关注点是艾米莉·勃朗特的《呼啸山庄》一书中的自然环境描写。作为一部19世纪英国的杰出小说,《呼啸山庄》是艾米莉·勃朗特的代表作品,主要讲述了一个交织着深沉的爱与恨的动人故事。在《呼啸山庄》一书中,作者灵活地运用了各种写作技巧,包括饱含诗意的语言,扣人心弦的情节以及独特的叙述框架。然而,环境描写也为这部小说添色不少。不可置否,环境描写在塑造人物丰满性格,渲染多样气氛和创造紧凑情节上发挥了独到的重要作用,从而推动了整部小说主题的发展。



    1. Introduction 1

    2. Chapter I The Features of Typical Natural Scenes 2

    A. The Moors 2

    B. The Storm 3

    C. The Tree 4

    3. Chapter II The Features of Natural Scenes in Different Places 4

    A. Wuthering Heights 5

    B. Thrushcross Grange 6

    4. Chapter III The Functions of Natural Scenes in Wuthering Heights 6

    A. Creating Diverse Atmospheres 6

    B. Creating Impressive Characters 7

    C. Creating Exciting Plots 8

    5. Conclusion 8

    Notes 10

    Reference 11


    Emily Brontë is a great novelist of England. She was considered as the most gifted of the three Brontë sisters. According to Charlotte Brontë’s description, Emily was clever, benevolent, but very stubborn: “ Stronger than a man, simpler than a child, her nature stood alone.” Now she is chiefly remembered as the author of the powerful novel Wuthering Heights. 

    The novel is mainly about a girl marries a man whom she does not love while she passionately loves another, which leads to revenge and tragedy between two generations and two families with complicated relationships and emotions. When Wuthering Heights was first published in 1847 under the pseudonym of Ellis Bell, it was suffered from numerous severe criticism because of its complicated narrative framework and audacious descriptions of love and hate. Until in the early 20th century, Wuthering Heights began to win its worldwide popularity and was paid enough even over attention to itself and its author, thus there was a phenomenon called “Brontë’s Cliff” which clearly and obviously demonstrated a miracle in the history of British literature.

    It is no doubt that there are so many scholars and professors trying their best to understand Wuthering Heights, and they explain this novel from perse perspectives, including the perspective of feminism, the perspective of religious meanings, the perspective of narrative framework as well as the perspective of natural scenes. There is no denying that natural scenes are important parts of Wuthering Heights, creating impressive characters, perse atmospheres and exciting plots as well as helping to develop the theme of the novel. But first of all, it is vital and critical to understand the reasons of describing natural scenes in the novel. One of the representatives of the “stream of consciousness” school in British, Virginia Woolf, was also a well-known critic, expressing her viewpoint on natural scenes of the novel in her famous critical essays’ volume ---- The Common Reader(1925). She explained the reasons in the following way: 

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