
    A Study on Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Junior High School Students Abstract Wilkins, the outstanding linguist, once said that without grammar very little can be conveyed while without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. Clearly, we can see from his words how much the vocabulary matters to the language learning. The mastery of the vocabulary takes a direct effect on the efficiency and outcome of the language learning. Language learners must adopt appropriate vocabulary learning strategies in order to learn the language efficiently with half efforts. However, there are a few researches about vocabulary learning strategies in the past decades. In this paper, firstly, discusses the learning strategies for vocabulary learning strategy is one of its branches. Furthermore, it analyzes the relation between the vocabulary learning strategies and the English proficiency to find out the differences between the successful and less successful learners through a questionnaire, a vocabulary test and an interview. Through the analysis of the data of the questionnaire and the test, it is clearly indicated that subjects commonly accept the dictionary strategies, note-taking strategies and rehearsal strategies but the encoding strategies and activation strategies are less used among students. The note-taking strategies is the most popular one of the seven classifications; while the activation strategies ranks the lowest. In the further step, the data shows that meta-cognitive strategies, encoding strategies and activation strategies are highly related to the vocabulary test score. Guessing, note-taking are positively related to vocabulary test scores and are statistically significant. Consulting a dictionary and rehearsal are found negatively related with the vocabulary size. Rehearsal strategies which are the most popular strategies among the students do not work as effectively as they thought. So, it can be safely concluded that the use of proper vocabulary learning strategies is of much importance. However, each learner ought to adopt the strategies most suitable for himself rather than those the successful learners use.47920

     Key words: vocabulary learning; strategy; survey   

     初中生词汇学习策略研究 摘要语言学家威尔金斯曾说过:“没有语法,人们几乎不能交流;但是没有词汇,人们肯定是不能交流的。”从这句话中,我们足以看到词汇对于英语学习的重要性。词汇掌握的好不好,直接影响到了语言学习的效率和成果。想要学好词汇,必须要运用适当的词汇学习策略,这样才能事半功倍。但是很多年来,研究者们似乎没有对词汇学习策略投入过多的关注。在这篇论文里,首先讨论了学习策略,因为词汇学习策略是它的一个分支。其次是做了一个问卷调查以及词汇测试来探讨初中生们词汇学习策略的运用及他们词汇掌握量的关系,以此来观察善于英语学习的学生和不那么善于的学生词汇学习策略运用的差别。通过分析问卷及测试的数据,发现较传统的查字典策略,笔记策略和排练策略是学生们用的最多最频繁的,而编码策略和激活策略则相对使用地最少最不频繁。进一步分析词汇学习策略和单词测试成绩数据,发现元意识策略、编码策略和激活策略和词汇成绩息息相关,笔记策略和猜词义策略也和成绩呈现正相关。可是查字典策略却和单词测试成绩呈现负相关。排练策略也没有大家认为的那样有效。因此可以肯定,在学习词汇是采用正确恰当的策略很重要。但是并不是每一位学生就要采用完全相同的策略,采用什么策略要因人而异,选择最适合自己的那个。



    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 3

    2.1 Learning Strategies

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  2. 下一篇:东西方文化差异英汉动物习语比较和原因
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