
    1.3 The Framework of the Thesis

    The thesis consists of five chapters. It mainly discusses the inter-structural characterization of the narrator and Rebecca from three perspectives of the setting of suspense. 

    Introduction as the first chapter, provides critical information of the author and important background information of the novel. It also explores the significance of the study from the perspective of suspense and inter-structural characterization by reviewing the former studies. Then, the following analysis will be made from three main chapters, namely, the cohesive function of suspense, the aesthetic perspective and the connection function in structure. In each aspect, main points are utilized to illustrate the ideas clearly. In the chapter of cohesive function, there is mutual coherence between Rebecca and the heroine “I” and conjunction among plots. In mutual coherence between the two leading female characters, the thesis lays emphasis on shaping their characterization by each other throughout the story. In the part of conjunction among plots, there is coherence between the outset and the sequel, and promotion of the plot. The third chapter is the aesthetic function of suspense in helping with the inter-structural characterization. It includes two major points: reading pleasure for the full text and the unique images created by suspense. In the discussion of pleasure for the text, the thesis simply studies it from the aspect of readers. Then, on the study of images, two instances are used: the rhododendrons and the sea. Both of them shared critical information of the characters. The fourth chapter is the structural function of suspense. It is analyzed from three perspectives: shift between plots, transition in the character and structural function in time. Plots are connected by suspense and the focus or scene changes as the setting of suspense. In transition of the character, the thesis mainly discusses the tremendous change in the character itself, including Rebecca and the heroine “I”. As for the structural function in time, flashbacks were obviously used in the novel, which helps to create suspense. Above all, the interaction, pleasure and transition are properly designed by the setting of suspense. At the end of the thesis, there comes a conclusion.

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